Home » today » Business » Ambitions over Xenophon and the Council of Elders, Maria Rita Galli’s annoyance and the plight of oil trading companies – Financial Post – 2024-04-06 13:24:43

Ambitions over Xenophon and the Council of Elders, Maria Rita Galli’s annoyance and the plight of oil trading companies – Financial Post – 2024-04-06 13:24:43

It will be solved

It is certain that by Wednesday, June 19, when the general meeting of the Association of Businesses and Industries (SEB) will be held, one will have finally been chosen as a candidate for the president of the historical association of Greek employers. Of course, this is the best case scenario. Which of course has two versions….


The first version is for one or one of the two candidates to withdraw – Mr. Spyros Theodoropoulos or Mrs. Iulia Tseti. The second version is that no one or neither of the two retires and that the current president, Mr. Dimitris Papalexopoulos, remains in the position of president, on Xenophontos Street. For a third term! It won’t be the first – rather, if I remember correctly, it will be the second. The first was Mr. Theodoros Fessas, who held the position of president from May 2014 until June 2020!


In circles of the “deep BSE” – there is such a thing, there is not only the … “deep state”! – there is serious concern. Not so much with the manifestation of the two nominations, but with the persistence of the two candidates! And if Mr. Papalexopoulos decides to withdraw definitively and two candidates finally come down, then it will be the “worst nightmare” of “deep BSE”. As his circles typically said, in this case there will be polarization, the ambitions will “saw” the relations in the leadership of the association and in the end the division will be inevitable. And it’s the last thing they want there in Xenophontos…

Mrs. Iulia Tseti

Mrs. Tseti, current general secretary of the association, represents the pharmaceutical industry, a sector with particular dynamics in recent years, with investments and export activity. Above all, however, it seems that he wants to repeat also in the central association, the example of the Association of Industries (SS North) of Greece (SBE), which from September 2022 has a woman in the position of president, Mrs. Loukia Sarantis. I should also point out that the president of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry is Mrs. Sofia Kounenaki Efraimoglou – the first woman in this position. And her ambition is obviously strong – the intensity comes from the goal!

Mr. Spyros Theodoropoulos

On the other hand, Mr. Theodoropoulos, with a strong presence in the food industry and having traveled a varied business path, inside and outside Greece, currently holds the position of vice president of the association. And it is an organic part of the “central system” of the association. In fact, repeatedly – and in difficult times – his name was heard for the position of president. But he refused, still maintaining his presence! And mortgaging the future. And the… future seems to have arrived. But he is not alone anymore….

The “elders”!

However, the so-called “council of elders”, i.e. the acting presidents of SEB who are alive – Mr. Stelios Argyros, Jason Stratos, Dimitris Daskalopoulos, Theodoros Fessas, Lefteris Antonakopoulos, Haris Kyriazis, among others – will provide the solution. They have until June 19th…


Yesterday, the competent committee that draws up the National Energy and Climate Plan (ESEK) met.
Under the chairmanship of the Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy Mrs. Alexandra Sdoukou, the members of the committee participated as well as representatives of the market entities.
As you will read in the relevant OT report, the new draft text for the ESEK was presented, which incorporated some of the Commission’s observations made in the previous draft.

Mrs. Maria Rita Galli

I am learning that the atmosphere has sometimes been electrified… On the one hand, between the president and general manager of KAPE, Mr. Dimitris Kardomateas and the person responsible for ESEK, and the former head, Mr. Pantelis Kapros. The former president of RAE and acting Minister of Energy allegedly questioned some of Mr. Kardomateos’s information, although as I am informed everything ended smoothly.
However, I learn that the atmosphere was electrified at another point as well. When the goal of cutting natural gas consumption by 50% in 2030 became known from the new text.
The managing director of DESFA, Mrs. Maria Rita Gali, reportedly left very annoyed… Her displeasure was evident, they tell me on her face. The Italian CEO left during the presentation, before it even ended…
The information that he quickly closed the door of the meeting room at the Ministry of Environment and Energy on Mesogeion Street is checked as inaccurate….


Fuel smuggling

The oil trading companies are running and not reaching this time.
And no, I’m not referring to their financial figures, but to an extra obligation they undertake.
And it has to do with dealing with the smuggling of liquid fuels.

Due Diligence…

The reason for the measures that were passed in December and concern specific obligations undertaken by oil trading companies for their network of gas stations and storage areas.
They are also called due diligence measures. A person in the market told me that the costs borne by the oil companies are high. And this as it requires organization, inspection of liquid fuel stations once a year, certification of tanks and pump systems, etc.


So the oil companies are running and they are not enough with these measures for one more reason.
Because once again the state operated with a significant time delay. The law was passed in December 2023 and the ministerial decisions were issued in April.
And the deadline for implementing the measures is May 1st…
So there is a question of whether the gas stations, the pump installers will be able to comply…
However, what business people in the industry are saying is “the hassle and the costs are okay as long as real work is done in the fight against smuggling…”

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