Home » today » Entertainment » Amber Heard interview aired in full for the first time: “There’s plenty of evidence that Johnny Depp mistreated me”

Amber Heard interview aired in full for the first time: “There’s plenty of evidence that Johnny Depp mistreated me”

The process between the former actor couple Depp and Heard lasted a total of six weeks. In the end, Depp was right across the board, as a result of which Heard now has to pay him compensation of around 10 million dollars, which is converted to 9.69 million euros. In an exclusive interview to the program Today, which was shown in full on Friday for the first time on the news channel NBC, the actress gives her view on the course of the process. And its outcome.

Social media blame

NBC reporter Savannah Guthrie didn’t hesitate to ask Heard critical questions. “There is no easy way to put this before you,” she said. “But the jury looked at the evidence you presented to them, listened to your story, and then decided they didn’t believe you.” The actress responded understandingly to Guthrie’s question. She said she doesn’t blame the jury. “I understand. He is a beloved person and people think they know him. He is a fantastic actor.”

The actress points an accusing finger at social media for her conviction. The hashtag #justiceforjohnnydepp and all its variants has been shared billions of times. “Even someone who is convinced I’m lying, even they can’t tell me there was an honest representation of reality on social media.”

Only ex with complaints

Guthrie also confronted Heard with the fact that no other ex-partner of Johnny Depp has come out with complaints of physical assault. Heard responded firmly: “Look what happened to me after I came out, would you do it?”

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Folder with notes

In preparation for the all-encompassing interview, Heard provided a folder with numerous documents. This includes writings from a doctor who Heard claims “explains what had been going on for years and years.” The notes go back to 2011. “That was the beginning of my relationship. The notes were made by my doctor to whom I reported the abuse.”

The documents repeatedly describe alleged assaults by Depp, including an altercation in 2012 in which he allegedly “beat Heard, threw him against a wall and threatened to kill her”.

Heard’s legal team claims they were unable to use the documents as evidence during the trial due to insufficient sources to confirm the contents of the notes, it was seen as “hearsay”.

audio clips

Guthrie also cited the much-discussed audio clips played in the courtroom. One of those tapes shows Heard admitting that she hit Depp first. “It’s true that I said that. But there is an answer for it. You hear my voice on those tapes, but it’s not my voice. It’s not who I am now.”

“When your life is in danger, you take the blame for things you are not to blame for,” it continued. “When you’re in a violent situation psychologically, emotionally and physically, you don’t have the ability to say, ‘Hey, this is black and white.’ Because that is not the case at all if you live in it yourself.”

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Faithful to own testimony

Heard emphasized that recently the outcome of the trial – Depp was right across the board – stands behind her own testimony. That Depp continued to insist during the trial that he never hit Heard, the actress calls “a lie.”

She openly told the interviewer about how she too misbehaved during the relationship with Depp, and is willing to acknowledge that. “I did and said terrible, deplorable things during my relationship. I behaved in horrific ways, almost unrecognizable to myself,” Heard said. “But I have spoken freely, openly and voluntarily about what I have done. I spoke of the horrible use of language. I talked about being pushed so hard that I didn’t even know the difference between right and wrong anymore. I’ve made a lot of mistakes, but I’ve always told the truth. Until the day of my death, I stand by every word of my testimony.”

ALSO READ. He will not come out of this unscathed either: how should the careers of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard continue? (+)

According to one of Heard’s lawyers, the actress cannot pay the compensation to Depp. “She simply does not have that money,” Eline Bredehoft said earlier to the American talk show Today Show† The lawyer also indicated that they plan to appeal. “And Heard has her solid reasons for that.” So let’s wait and see whether the American sample process will get a tail.

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