Well-known American film star Amber Heard (Amber Heard) said on social platforms on December 19 that she and her ex-husband Johnny Depp (Johnny Depp) have reached a consensus on the judgment of the defamation case. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.
According to the British report “Daily Mail”, the agreement provides that Bai’an’s insurance company will pay Johnny $1 million to close the case, in exchange for Amber’s ability to discuss the contents of the case in public in the future without any restrictions. , that is, the operability of being invited to talk shows or even to publish books will increase dramatically.
Either way, the two settled the lawsuit, officially ending a more traumatic divorce odyssey.
Amber explained on Instagram that accepting the deal was “a very difficult decision, and it’s important for me to say that I never did.” She said she “defends my truth, and in doing so, my lives have been destroyed.”
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