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Amazon’s project to set up in Petit-Couronne, near Rouen, abandoned

The project to set up the e-commerce giant carried by the investor Gazeley falls through. Gazeley, who was to buy the plot of 160,000 m² and build warehouses there for Amazon, waives its building permit. The group notified the mayor of the town, Joël Bigot, who said he was very angry at see the promise of 2,000 job creations vanish.

An unexpected announcement

The decision surprised everyone – elected officials and associations opposed to the project – and falls a bit like a hair on the soup because no decision was expected at this time in Amazon’s implementation schedule.

The metropolis of Rouen had certainly issued an unfavorable opinion but it was in October 2020 for fire safety problems. Since then, Gazeley had reviewed its copy and the prefecture of Seine-Maritime gave the green light. For Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, the president of the metropolis, this opinion undoubtedly had little weight “Does it count? Without a doubt. Is this decisive? I doubt” he commented.

Strong opposition to the project

Since the revelation by France Bleu Normandie in January 2020 of the Amazon implementation project, opponents of the arrival of the e-commerce giant have been strongly mobilized. the association Stop Amazon attacked the building permit and filed an environmental appeal increase in traffic-related air pollution. And the anger escalated further following the publication by the media Le Poulpe of an investigation into the clean-up of the site of the old refinery.

uncertain consequences

However difficult to understand the decision of GAzeley today. Neither the investor nor Amazon speaks or explains the decision. At this stage, an establishment of Amazon on the Petit-Couronne site remains possible since only the lessor has thrown in the towel, but the scenario seems unlikely.

On the future of the 160,000m², the president of the metropolis, Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol remains confident:the territory is attractive and we will work to bring in sustainable, sustainable activity and the most qualified jobs possible“. Same reaction from Valgo which ensures that it can attract new buyers.

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