Crucible, the free video game with which Amazon He hoped to make a place for himself in the competitive scene of the shooters, will disappear from Steam. The news is important since not even two months have passed since its launch. Relentless Studios, the developers in charge, announced that the game will return to a closed beta.

The study confirmed that Crucicle will be available on Steam until tomorrow, July 1 at 9 AM (PST) for anyone who wants to play it. After that date, the interested parties must sign up for a closed beta page to access it. Those who download and install it before it disappears from Steam will be able to continue playing it.

The developers say that the gaming experience in closed beta will not change to what we see now. Only a few times will be scheduled in which the developers will join the games to speak with the community and collect feedback. The study says this decision will help them improve. Crucible making changes to maps, combat and Heart of the Hives mode.

The community’s first comments on this decision are not encouraging. Some think it’s the prelude to an imminent end since Amazon will end up canceling it. Others suggest that the game switch to the “Early Access” format on Steam so that it remains available to everyone.

Crucible? An Amazon game?

If you hadn’t heard of Crucible we don’t blame you. Despite Amazon Game Studios has been working on this project for six years, its launch on May 20 went unnoticed. If Amazon’s intention was to test the terrain, it should have launched an Early Access and not a final version. Worse yet, the company did not give it the proper push by advertising it and the game quickly fell into oblivion.

Crucible it’s the first major project Amazon in the AAA gaming arena. Although the company had already published a game inspired by The Grand Tour on PS4 and Xbox One, the shooter it was targeted as the bet to deal with Fortnite and Overwatch.

Unfortunately for Amazon, Crucible disappeared from the most played list in a few days. The game did not resonate with critics, who called it a disaster compared to Artifact, Valve’s card game that returned to beta status.

The problem for Amazon is that Crucible it’s boring and has too many technical problems that prevent it from running properly. The poor optimization of the game makes it run at a maximum of 40 frames per second in low detail with a half board team. This is unforgivable if you want to compete with Overwatch The Fortnite, two games compatible with entry-level hardware.