Home » today » Business » Amazon is under the scrutiny of the European Commission. Due to the use of merchant data

Amazon is under the scrutiny of the European Commission. Due to the use of merchant data

According to Vestager, Amazon misuses merchant data, gaining an unfair competitive advantage. Amazon will be able to convince the Commission that it is not breaking the rules. However, if Brussels does not change its mind in the further course of the proceedings, it may impose a fine on the company of up to ten percent of its annual sales. In the case of Amazon, this could be up to $ 28 billion (almost CZK 628 billion).

“Data on third-party activity should not be used to benefit Amazon when it is in competition with those merchants,” Vestager said.

According to Reuters, Amazon said it did not agree with the accusation. He added that it accounts for less than one percent of the global retail market. At the time of the covidu-19 pandemic, the share of online stores in total sales is increasing.

The commission has been investigating the company’s actions since last July. According to her, the error relates to the agreements that Amazon enters into with merchants who offer their products on its Marketplace platform. The contracts allow him to analyze and use the data obtained in this way, which gives Amazon an unjustified competitive advantage, the EC stated.

The commission also launched an investigation into another possible mistake on the part of the American company on Tuesday. The EU executive will examine whether Amazon does not favor its own offers over those of other retailers in its online store.

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