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Amazon GO: The Concept of Automated Stores and its Expansion Worldwide

aplikaci. Zákazníci se při vstupu do prodejny přihlásí pomocí svého bankovního účtu a poté mohou nakupovat‌ bez nutnosti ‍interakce s pokladním. Obchod je vybaven kamerami a ‍senzory, které sledují, jaké zboží si zákazníci ⁤vezmou a automaticky ho přidávají do‌ jejich virtuálního košíku. Po opuštění prodejny je částka za nákup stržena z bankovního účtu zákazníka.

Tento nový koncept obchodu přináší‍ zákazníkům pohodlí a rychlost, protože⁢ nemusí ‍čekat ve frontě na pokladně. Zároveň umožňuje prodejci snížit náklady na obsluhu pokladen a zamezit krádežím. COOP plánuje rozšířit‍ tento koncept⁣ na další prodejny v Česku v blízké budoucnosti.

Automatizované prodejny se stávají stále populárnějšími po celém světě. Společnosti ⁣jako Amazon a COOP⁣ využívají moderní technologie‌ a umožňují zákazníkům nakupovat rychle a pohodlně. Je pravděpodobné,‍ že ⁤se tento trend bude dále rozvíjet a že se automatizované prodejny brzy ​objeví i v dalších zemích.

Amazon GO: ‌The Future of Shopping Without Cash Registers or Lines

Amazon GO is an automated retail concept that was first introduced by Amazon in December 2016. The first store opened in January 2018 in Seattle, and since then, the ⁤company has expanded this concept to other locations and expanded the range of products offered in the stores. According to the company, ⁢the main goal is to‍ create a⁣ customer experience without lines and waiting at the cash registers.

Shopping in one of these ⁣stores is not complicated. Customers have several options for how to shop. ​They can either download the ⁣Amazon ⁢GO app, which is linked to their Amazon account ⁢and serves to identify the customer, track purchases, and ‍automatically process payments. ‍Alternatively, ​they can shop using a payment card. At the entrance, they insert the card into a terminal, the⁤ turnstile gate opens, and the customer⁣ can start shopping.

The store offers fresh pastries, hot snacks, groceries, beverages, as well as beer and alcohol.

The most convenient option is palm scanning. The entrance turnstiles are equipped with Amazon One’s “palm” feature, where customers simply wave their hand ‌over the terminal.⁤ “You can even forget your wallet or phone at home.⁣ The palm scan ​is linked ⁢to your account, and the amount is deducted without any problem,” describes the manager‌ of the⁢ Amazon GO store in Seattle.

Amazon utilizes a combination of technologies, including computer​ vision, sensors, and deep learning, to ⁤track what customers take from the shelves​ and what they return. All items ‌that customers take are automatically added to their virtual shopping cart. Before ‌leaving the store, customers can‍ return items to the shelves and continue filling their ​cart. The payment for the specific purchase is deducted approximately within sixty minutes ⁤after passing through the turnstile⁤ and leaving the store.

Although the concept offers convenience and saves time‌ for customers, it may pose challenges ⁤in‍ terms of privacy protection and technical issues.

Amazon Go currently has 23 stores in ​the USA and ⁢twenty‍ Amazon Fresh stores in the UK. The cashierless arrangement ​and Amazon Go technology, known as “Just Walk Out,” ⁢are also‍ used in stores ⁢of other⁤ brands, at airports, and sports venues.

Automated⁢ Store in the Czech Republic

A‌ similar concept of automated stores was launched ⁢in the Czech Republic last year. It‍ was opened by the retail chain COOP, where the store operates as a regular one during the day, but for⁣ shopping outside of standard opening hours, customers need to⁣ have ‍a ⁢payment card with a bank identity and have a special application downloaded. After that, customers can select items and pay for them at the automatic checkout before leaving.

Source: iDNES.cz
detail photograph

How does the automated retail system ‌equipped with cameras and sensors accurately track the items chosen ⁢by customers and ensure they are added to their ​virtual cart?

Is equipped with cameras and sensors that track what ⁣items customers take from the shelves. The items are automatically‌ added to the customer’s virtual cart, and⁢ the total amount is deducted from their bank account​ or⁢ payment card‍ after they⁢ leave the store. There is no need for any interaction with a cashier or waiting in line.

This new concept⁣ of shopping brings convenience and speed to customers, as they can simply pick up ​the items they​ need and leave the store ⁢without⁢ any hassle. It also allows the retailer to reduce costs associated with cashier services and prevent theft.

COOP, a Czech retailer, plans to expand this concept to more stores ‍in the country in the near future.⁣ Automated retail stores are becoming increasingly popular worldwide, with companies like Amazon and COOP utilizing modern technology to enable fast and convenient shopping experiences. It is likely ⁤that this trend will continue to develop, and automated stores will soon appear in other countries ⁣as well.

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