Home » today » Business » Amazon gives up, now we need a miracle. No landing in the Marches, for the region’s economy shock failure

Amazon gives up, now we need a miracle. No landing in the Marches, for the region’s economy shock failure

ANCONA – Farewell Amazon, the American giant has decided to remove the disturbance. It would take a miracle, to try to find the way out of the labyrinth in which you are hunted. And in September, the miracle could come out like a rabbit from the magician’s hat.

Maybe, who knows. The landing of the e-commerce giant atInterporto Of Yes in fact it seems to have taken a road with no return, even if the last word (for the miracle) belongs to Scannell.

And Scannell will communicate the final decision within a few days: it is certain that the initial timing – the one that dictated the construction of the plant by July 2023 – has definitely set. The last crack remains standing (the aforementioned miracle): the hypothesis of a postponement of the construction sites to a later date. Maybe in September, maybe next year, maybe when the crisis and the increase in the prices of raw materials caused by the war return to full capacity. What is certain is the sensational shipwreck of an operation born under a lucky star that would have brought to the Marche a highly technological logistics center signed by Amazon, in an area of ​​66 thousand square meters today uncultivated land where Interporto dreamed of an expansion that in fact did not has never been possible.

The situation was perfect and step by step the project had passed all the preliminary phases with the go-ahead from the ministry, the Superintendency and the Province. Even the Municipality of Jesi was ready to approve the urban variant with a simple step in and a wait of 50 days between the adoption and approval of the deed. Each pawn seemed to have gone to checkers, but now the catastrophe is before our eyes. A sensational and incredible defeat that will inevitably have repercussions on the regional economic fabric, with unimaginable consequences even at the political level. Net of the stipulation of contracts, construction sites and project implementation, in July 2023 the logistical heart of the world power Amazon would be inaugurated in the Marche region: a thousand hires in the hub in via della Coppetella, another 1,500 for the related industries, which would have had a unprecedented acceleration from the 2008 crisis to today. For this reason Confindustria, with the president of Ancona Bocchini and the regional leader Schiavoni (yesterday), heavily questioned the operation carried out by Interporto, a public company 95% owned by the Region. Also speaking of political responsibility in case the procedure was stopped. Sources Scannell have made it known that next week will be the crucial one: the developer who carried out the negotiations for the e-commerce giant will dissolve the reserve on the last glimmer of hope. Not a goodbye, in theory a goodbye (again for the speech of the miracle). Who will take responsibility for the failure now? The Region is turning a deaf ear: it has always kept the point with Interporto on the need to continue a negotiation that would shield the company from tax damage, in the face of an operation of this magnitude. Governor Acquaroli himself defended the procedures put in place by the president of Interporto Carpinelli, appointed in 2019 by the former governor Luca Ceriscioli (Pd) and therefore close to expiry. His contract will end with the approval of the budget, which by law is April 30 but can go up to the first ten days of May. What will happen then inside Interporto, whose delegation is in the hands of the President of the Region?

The scenery
If the future is not rosy, the near past has been marked by a series of obstacles that have expanded the time of realization in an abnormal way, so that even Amazon in the end raised its hands. And the background of a story that will inevitably mark the political path of the regional administration will probably be outlined once the operations are concluded. When Scannel will inform the interested parties: that is, if the e-commerce giant decides to leave a door open on the Marche, or to close it permanently. But in unsuspected times, the mayor of Jesi Bacci had turned on a beacon on the hypothesis that everything could end in crumbs, as has regularly happened. Several times in the Corriere Adriatico he had stressed the need to reach the signing of the contract early in order not to miss the golden opportunity, not only for the territory but for all the Marche region. Easy prophet, it is a pity not to have listened to him.

Last updated: 09:33


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