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Amazon customers report issues when purchasing PS5 and Xbox Series X

It’s not easy to find the PlayStation 5 it’s the Xbox Series X in the Brazilian market. The shortage of consoles that has established itself around the world is also present here, with lots that are announced by major retailers in advance and are gone in a matter of minutes. All the demand, combined with the lack of units, makes the reports that accumulate on social networks about problems in the delivery of devices even more serious, with rights even to customers who felt threatened and insecure.

One of the most recent and worrisome records was published in Twitter, by Janaina Sena Lima. The civil engineer, who lives in São Paulo (SP), reported at the end of June having received a PS5, purchased at Amazon, without any packaging to protect the item from damage or make the console more discreet. The product only came in the box itself, which also appeared to have been manipulated by others.

“There was nothing wrong with the product, but I had the impression that the package had been opened, as if someone was curious about the content”, he explained, in an interview with Canaltech. In addition, Lima’s attention was drawn to the fact that the invoice, which is normally glued to the outside of the package during shipping, was folded, torn and dirty inside the PlayStation 5 box, as if someone had inserted it through the top opening.

Lima also reports a tense situation when receiving the product, at the door of his house. According to her, the representative of the carrier was in a car and was accompanied by two other people, one of whom also came down to accompany the process; the vehicle was not turned off during delivery and the professional was alert and paying attention to the surroundings. “I may be wrong, but I don’t think I was robbed just because my father was there,” she says.

Suspicions were confirmed a few weeks later, when she returned to social media to report that a friend of a family member had gone through a similar situation and was, in effect, robbed when he received a PlayStation 5 purchased by Amazon. The victim chose not to talk to the report or provide more details about what happened.

Repeated cases

The delivery of an apparently open package, without protective packaging and apparently manipulated, is repeated in other reports found on social networks. In fact, it was because he noticed a possible pattern that Lima decided to talk about the case on his personal Twitter account, as he has friends who are also waiting for a new generation console purchased by Amazon and would be alerted about the issue.

A search on the social network is enough to find different accounts, like the one by infrastructure expert Cloud Sidney Andrews. He also received his Xbox Series X without any protective packaging. Bar codes, adhesive tapes and the invoice itself were pasted directly into the box of the Microsoft, who arrived apparently violated and badly treated, full of tears and holes.

In both cases, customers report being Amazon’s constant customers, with their new consoles being the first instances of such problems. In both situations, fortunately, the damage was only external, with the damage and handling of the packages not reflected in the conditions of the devices themselves, which were in perfect condition and continue to function. “At the time, I was upset about what happened. As a collector, [lamento pelo] state of the box, but it proved to protect the product well,” explained Andrews in a conversation with Canaltech.

The two players interviewed for the report claim to have received support from Amazon after the bad experience, with representatives calling them by phone and email to explain what happened. “THE [loja] informed me that this was not the standard and that no delivery is made without protective packaging”, explained Lima, who had a gift card issued in his name, in the amount of R$50, for the inconvenience.

Andrews’ case, in which malfunctions were detected, also received more careful support from the company. Initially, he was given two options: keep the product in the condition received or return it to the store, receiving the amount paid back. The shortage of the console on Brazilian shelves, however, made him opt for the first. “[A Amazon] it also provided me with security, offering a guarantee of its own in case of a problem, as well as a refund of part of the price of the device”, adds Andrews.

How to act?

The Idec (Brazilian Institute for Consumer Protection) advises that, in cases of this type, customers must contact e-commerce to request the exchange of damaged products or repairs for damages. Also, in case of robbery or threat, the orientation is that the customer should file a police report and seek the responsibility of both the store and the carrier for the case.

“O [cliente] has the right to a safe delivery service, and the transport company and the supplier are responsible for ensuring that the receipt takes place without unwanted surprises”, explains Idec’s lawyer, Igor Marchetti. He cites articles 14 and 18 of the Consumer Defense Code, which legislate on responsibilities in relation to equipment problems or quality defects, as well as possible damage to users. “Anyone who suffers from this type of embarrassment will be able to immediately question the company.”

In response to the Canaltech, Amazon claimed to have contacted customers who spoke to the report and to have taken steps to avoid further problems in order delivery. Check out the full release:

“At Amazon, we strive to provide the best experience for our customers. Please be advised that we review reported cases and make necessary adjustments to avoid further incidents in order handling.”

We also tried to contact the Total Express and Sequoia carriers, responsible for the deliveries that were analyzed in the report. While the first did not respond, the second could not be located, as its only means of contact, a form on the company’s official website, did not work throughout the investigation.


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