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Amazon crushes the stock market, a surprise move by a bank is not enough

Today was the last trading day of the week but also of the month. For Piazza Affari it is time to take stock. The stock market month of our stock market had positive aspects and less convincing aspects. The positive aspect concerns the monthly result. The Milan Stock Exchange closes the month of July with a gain. As things had turned out in mid-July, this is not a result to be despised. The less convincing data is that the prices of the major index closed the month of July at almost the same levels as the close of June. The monthly income was meager.

Today was a troubled session for all stock markets. At the time of the closing of the lists in Europe, all the exchanges of the Old Continent were in decline and Wall Street was also traveling in red. The fear of the spread of the Delta variant of Covid has once again conditioned the share prices. In addition to the pandemic, Amazon’s disappointing quarterly results also weighed on Wall Street, with the Nasdaq opening lower. This factor also conditioned the closure of the European stock exchanges.

Amazon crushes the stock market, a surprise move by a bank is not enough

The climate of uncertainty that characterized the last day of the week also weighed on our stock market. The Ftse Mib (INDEX:FTSEMIB) closed down 0.6% to 25,363 points. There is a bit of bitterness because after yesterday’s session, there was confidence in the possibility that prices would reach a maximum of the last 13 years.

In this climate of uncertainty while Amazon sinks the stock market, the surprise move of a bank is not enough to push the Milanese price list. The surprise move is Unicredit’s expression of interest in Monte dai Paschi di Siena. The Milan bank is interested in purchasing some parts of the Sienese bank. The Government currently holds the majority of the shares in Monte dei Paschi di Siena, but this stake must be sold by the end of the year.

Unicredit’s expression of interest in MPS triggered the two securities and rekindled interest in banking risk. Unicredit closed up 2.8%, recovering € 10 and Banca Monte Paschi rose 3.3%. BPER Banca also rose, gaining 1.2%, while Banco BPM collapsed with a drop of 3.7%.

This the multidays analysis and the analysis of international markets by the ProiezionidiBorsa Research Department

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