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Amazon commercializes Go technology

Cashierless stores branded as “Just Walk Out” – consumer access by credit card. […]

Amazon Go: Technology is for sale. (c) youtube.com, amazon

Online retail giant Amazon will offer the so-called “Just Walk Out” technology behind its cashier-less go-shops for sale to other business operators. The e-commerce giant claims to already have discussions with several chains. Those who use Just Walk Out will continue to do business under their own brand and will only need to place an automatic Amazon hub at the entrance.

“Convenience with time pressure”

“The technology has wide applicability to different sizes of stores as well as different industries. It covers fundamentally how physical stores can create convenience, especially when customers are pressed for time, ”quotes Reuters, Dilip Kumar, vice president of Amazon’s Physical Retail and Technology department.

At Amazon’s Go shops, customers use an app at the turnstile at the entrance to scan in. They also use this application to pay their bills. With Just Walk Out, on the other hand, consumers have to insert their credit card at the turnstile in order to enter the store. As with conventional Amazon Go shops, surveillance cameras and weight sensors are also used on the shelves to ensure security.

Cameras need high rooms

Not everyone is excited about Just Walk Out. Some companies see Amazon as a competitor and categorically refuse to cooperate. There are also concerns that Just Walk Out needs high rooms for the cameras to work. Amazon Go stores opened for the first time in 2016. Today, they are located in 26 US cities. Amazon is planning a total of 3,000 stores without cashiers by 2021

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