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Amazon apologizes for lie about bottle pee …

The American online shopping giant Amazon has admitted that drivers sometimes have to pee in empty bottles because they cannot find a toilet. The company had denied that a few days ago.

It was Democratic Representative Mark Pocan who posted a message on Twitter: “Paying workers $ 15 an hour doesn’t make you a” progressive workplace “if you keep unions out and let employees pee in water bottles at the same time,” Pocan said.

Amazon first denied. ‘Do you really believe that pee story? Then no one would work for us, ”an official Amazon account on Twitter responded.

But after various media outlets came with employee testimonials, Amazon apologized to Pocan. “We know that drivers can sometimes have difficulty finding a toilet due to traffic or because they drive on small roads, especially now that many public toilets are closed during corona times,” said Amazon.

‘Problem of the entire sector’

According to Amazon, this is a problem that the entire sector is facing. ‘We want to fix this. We don’t know how yet, but we will look for solutions. ‘

The politician responded with a sigh. “It’s not about me, it’s about your employees, who don’t treat you with enough respect and dignity,” he tweeted. “Recognize and do something about the inadequate working conditions you have created for all of your employees.”

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