We would like to thank DFB President Bernd Neuendorf and 1st DFB Vice President Ronny Zimmermann
and also make the association presidents of the associations in the DFB aware of their responsibility for the amateur referees.
Action must now finally be taken Amateur referees must be protected against violence!
“Violent events that are imaginable or have already occurred must be taken into account in the risk assessment!”.
Let’s make a digression on the source of the administrative professional association (VBG) – read here:
The associations or officials are comparable to the amateur referees as an employer, become heaps Instructions given, fines imposed, warnings written, referees blocked, new referees admitted, etc.,
Then the functionaries should also accept adequately causally (this is how it is described in legal terms),
that the amateur arbitrators are entitled to claim protection in the same way as a comparable employee.
Demand adequate causal protection from violent perpetrators on the sports field from the DFB and the associations.
What does “adequate causal relationship” actually mean? An adequate causal relationship exists when there is a connection between cause and effect which is to be expected in the normal course of things and general experience of life.
The associations must comply with the legal and procedural regulations (RuVO) or penal regulations (laws in football), or the DFB itself should issue a criminal codeaccording to the protection of amateur referees immediately adjust, otherwise they may become liable.
A completely logical demand of the IG referees. This should be looked at by a criminal law attorney. We have already asked a lawyer.
As IG referees, do we want to take another theoretical step into the judiciary.
From a legal point of view, it should be checked whether officials cannot be held criminally liable for possible inaction or omission when they are aware of the dangers for amateur referees. Assaults on referees and assistants, such as hitting, kicking, spitting, choking, headbutting and thrusting, are well known by now.
You can no longer hide from ignorance!
Or use the excuse of brutalizing society!
Measures to protect amateur referees are to be decided by the DFB president and the presidents of the associations in the DFB. Immediately!
With the first dead referee in the DFB area, we are looking forward to the first corresponding criminal proceedings.
Even the DFB is now openly pointing out the increasing number of game abandonments due to violence against referees in its violence statistics. The violence is becoming more and more extreme.
Quod erat demonstrandum. The DFB and the associations must react now!
Brief additional information:
At the VBG, referees can for as much as 4.70 euros per year (Contribution for 2022) accident insurance.
The referee is usually insured through his health insurance. ARAG from the association only pays in the event of disability.
However, there is voluntary insurance with the VBG trade association. (accident insurance).
For 4.70 euros per year you are insured by BG. I won’t list the advantages of BG insurance now.
The VBG does too Framework agreements with the associations.
Framework agreements with associations
In order to make it easier for individual volunteers and clubs to register, the VBG offers associations the opportunity to conclude framework agreements with the VBG. Feel free to contact us. Feel free to use our contact center at www.vbg.de/kontakt and select the issue VBG membership / contribution.
Have attached files to the VBG informative.
Read for yourself:
Read more here……
2023-05-20 09:52:28
#Approaches #violence #prevention #comment