Amedeus is one of the most loved and followed Italian conductors. As she prepares for the Sanremo Music Festival, he receives devastating news. Amedeus’ farewell on social media.
Amedeoby the pseudonym of Amedeo Umberto Rita Sebastianiis an Italian television, radio, showman and disc jockey much loved by all the public. Man today has 60 years and his career as conductor is still very active and brilliant, likewise his family, he has two children: Alice and Jose.
The handler is originally from Ravennacity where he grew up before starting his career in show business. Amedeus becomes a household name in the 80s when he works for Radio Deejayin the following years he starts working in Mediasetquickly becoming a conductor much loved by the public.
A very important role in the world of Italian entertainment began in 2020, when he began to be the host and artistic director of the San Remo Festival for three consecutive years2020, 2021 and 2022) and was confirmed in the same roles also for future Festivals of 2023 and 2024. In a few weeks now, we will see Amedeus on stage of the Ariston.
The conductor is quite active on social networks, he shares his profile Instagram with Giovanna Civitallohis wife – since 2009 – and none other than a former Italian showgirl and dancer. It is precisely on her Instagram that a few hours ago she gave her last goodbye to a friend.
A memory of Amedeus
Amedeus has published a video on Instagram, a piece of the program he hosted “Soliti Ignoti”. With him, as a participant, a man appears: Sinisa Mihajlovic.

The man was a Serbian footballer and coach, as well as a friend to Amedeus and many other well-known personalities. Sinisa died a few days ago, on December 16 in Rome, due to leukemia that he has since 2019 he didn’t let him escape. The coach, just 53 years old he left behind a wife Arianna, six children (still very young) and many fans, supporters and friends who have supported him in recent years. Amedeus and Sinisa appear smiling, amused and exchange knowing glances, a friendly and sincere relationship. The presenter accompanied the video with the words: “Great Sinisa” and a red heart emoji. These two words are few but say a lot.
In the comments you can read the sadness and bitterness of the footballer’s fans and anyone who knew him, because the man was a beautiful person and Amedeus knew it well and wanted to remind us with this beautiful post.