A recent study shows a link between the consumption of certain foods and the onset of Alzheimer’s. What are they and why are you at risk?
There is news in studying a pathology that mainly involves the elderly and that usually manifests itself in old age. This is Alzheimer’s, a serious degenerative brain disease that manifests itself as dementia and is increasingly disabling.
It is a major neurocognitive disorder that causes the destruction of nerve cells causing memory loss and personality changes. The symptoms develop slowly, getting worse until the patient becomes completely disabled the person who is no longer able to interact normally in relationships and performing the most common daily tasks.
Recently, study providedAlzheimer’s Association International Conference in Philadelphia and reported by Cheers CNN he revealed that there would be a connection between the consumption of certain foods and the onset of the disease. So some foods would represent a risk factor. Here is what they are and why this is happening.
Nutrition and Alzheimer’s: foods that cause the disease
Healthy eating is essential for good health and the quality of food is known to have a significant impact on the development of many pathologies. It was decided to do a thorough investigation and try to understand if there could be a problem with Alzheimer’s as well link to consumption of certain foods. These would be dangerous when consumed frequently and over a long period of time. Two studies together investigated nutrition and this particular disease and came to a clear conclusion.
Processed meats are a risk for the onset of Alzheimer’s – buttalapasta.it
Il Nurses’ Health Survey with a focus on analyzing the risk factors for chronic diseases in women and theHealth Professionals Follow-up Study they surveyed men for a total of 130 thousand people surveyed between the two surveys. Eating habits were studied It has been found that processed meat can be considered harmful and an element of danger for the development of Alzheimer’s. Cold cuts, cured meats, bacon, frankfurters are the offending foods.
Instead, it was noticed how consumption of legumes and dried fruits in daily portions has a very beneficial effect. Processed meat has a very inflammatory effect, and on the other hand dried fruit and legumes tighten the body and release healthy nutrients. While processed meat deposits toxins, sodium and nitrates in the body, anti-inflammatory foods counteract these elements by detoxifying. Of course, processed meats should not be completely banned and completely eliminated from your diet, but it is necessary to eat them in moderation and occasionally.
It is not harmful to eat them from time to time, but if they become an essential part of the daily diet the danger can be great. So, moderation is always useful. Healthy eating habits allow you to prevent diseases and protect your health in the easiest way.
2024-08-08 17:31:33
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