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Always present for blood donations

The general assembly of the association of blood donors was held on Friday evening in the courtroom.

A retrospective of 2021 was made and noted the canceled appointments, such as the January hike for health reasons. It was still possible to organize blood drives which were visited by new members. And there was free training in the use of the defibrillator, offered by the association of blood donors with two insurances.

The president, Gérard Jollet, thanked the municipality represented by Delphine Boureux, deputy mayor, in charge of associations, for making the cultural center available. Without this room, it would no longer be possible to ensure blood collections, the truck which allowed them in the past has been removed.

He also thanked the municipal agents for their help, putting up a banner, cleaning the room and collecting waste.

It was recalled that the members of the association are present throughout the collection. They ensure the reception, the control of the appointments

stall a place, if possible, for people who show up without an appointment, installation and storage.

Next collections

The events for this year will begin with a méchoui, on June 26, at the Chemin Vert stadium. In November and planned a sauerkraut evening. The next collections will take place on May 17, July 19, September 20 and November 22.

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