Töre, who was welcomed by Famagusta Naval Commander, Marine Senior Colonel Meriç Katipoğlu, greeted the military guard during the visit, which was also attended by the Commander of the Security Forces, Major General Zorlu Topaloğlu.
Making a statement after the visit, President Töre stated that the Cabotage Festival has an important place in Turkish maritime history.
Expressing that the concept of homeland today is not limited to land, Töre said that the areas in the sea and under the sea are also extremely strategic within the blue homeland.
Noting that they have always been proud of both the naval, land and air forces, Töre stated that it is always necessary to be strong.
Töre, who stated that there are those who covet Blue Vatan, mentioned that the strength of the navy is important in order to protect the rights here.
Töre commemorated all naval martyrs with respect in its statement.
President Töre also signed the memoir during his visit.