Home » today » Health » “Always elbow to elbow”: in the middle of his fight against leukemia, Lío Pecoraro does not lose faith

“Always elbow to elbow”: in the middle of his fight against leukemia, Lío Pecoraro does not lose faith

Latest news on Pecoraro mess they paralyze the entertainment world. Is that the beloved television host had to move away from the screens after learning that he suffers from leukemia. Reason that has led him to fight with soul and body to overcome the diagnosis given by the doctors. In the last hours, his close friend Fernando Piaggio shared a postcard of both in the corridors of the hospital.

«When they tell me with a lot of love, take care of Lío !!! Obviously here I am ”, Piaggio described the shared photograph. In a matter of minutes, it was Lío himself who answered the post. «From the first day with a lot of love and care. I am very grateful my dear Fer. Always side by side, ”wrote the television host. And as expected, many followers also left their messages of support.

Once again, it was shown that Pecoraro has the unconditional love of his fans. «And I repeat it again. Take care of it, take care of yourself and everything will be very, very well ???? »; “It is the best. Take good care of Lío and let him know how he continues »; «You are a great friend. The most … I suffered from breast cancer and my family was always there … that is not forgotten anymore. You are a great person “, launched some users of the virtual platform Twitter.

Weeks ago, Pecoraro mess appeared on camera and live and direct. After the first part of the therapeutic process called «induction» and after passing the second, in communication with his partner Maju Lozano In the program “Every Afternoon”, he revealed: “When I got home the first time, because this is the second time, it was like the reunion with your things, with your armchair, with your bathroom, with your bed, so that was very important”.

«In the first stage I was almost 70 days in the hospital, then getting out of there … seeing the people, seeing the sun, seeing the sky, seeing the cars … gives you another assessment of things, of everything. This comes to give a lesson in life and enormous value, “he acknowledged. At the same time, he told a tender anecdote: “When I was at home, I sat close to the balcony and when I prepared breakfast I was excited, then I saw that it was raining and I was excited again.”

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