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Alto Adige, signs of segregation and obsession with security: German-only school classes are formed and the police chief of Bolzano adds the burden of 11

ROMA – From the autonomous region of Alto Adige, signals of a widespread segregationist culture have been arriving since yesterday, which finds in schools – but also in many other areas – the ideal environment for cultivating racism and prejudice. In Bolzano, for example – the topic was discussed just this morning at “The whole city is talking about it” on Radio 3, hosted by Pietro Del Soldà – a class was formed with only children who do not speak German, Italians and migrants. The decision was made by the principal of an elementary school where out of 500 students, only 47 have foreign citizenship, but 40% of the students have linguistic difficulties. A decision – it was said – that has the purpose of ensuring effective teaching for all, but which could not fail to provoke opposite and transversal reactions from those who fear the risk of exclusion and ghettoization. The discussion revolved around the book by Marco Aime, who teaches Cultural Anthropology at the University of Genoa, author of “Without shore. Why Italy is no longer a welcoming land” (Utet books, 2015) and of “Classify, separate, exclude. Racism and identity” (Einaudi 2020).

The obsession with security. The other signal, no less worrying, was highlighted by a long and beautiful reportage by Alessio Giordano on Altreconomythe periodical directed by Duccio Facchini. It tells a story that is only apparently local, but which shows a widespread dynamic that should not be underestimated. In Alto Adige, in fact, the obsession with security is hitting activists and vulnerable subjects hard. The new police commissioner who took office at the beginning of March has markedly accelerated the repression: expulsion orders, expulsions, urban DASPOs and oral warnings. A good part of the citizens applaud his work but there are also those who continue to make their voices heard.

The repressions of Police Commissioner Sartori. “The new police commissioner of the autonomous province of Bolzano, Paolo Sartori – writes Alessio Giordano on Altreconomy – took office at the beginning of March and has significantly accelerated the repression. On July 17, for example, there was a protest by inmates of the Bolzano prison against the living conditions inside penitentiary institutions in Italy. A group of activists in solidarity spontaneously went under the walls of the facility in the South Tyrolean capital to listen to and support the inmates’ reasons, in an attempt to break their isolation and act as a megaphone for their demands. Later – Giordano writes – the group was met in a bar by two police cars. Taken to the police station, the activists were photographed and reported for ‘unauthorized demonstration’. One of them, a resident of Laives, a neighboring municipality, was given a two-year ban from Bolzano”.

The iron fist. “This is one of the latest episodes – we read further in the report Altreconomy – in which the ‘iron fist’ of police commissioner Sartori fell on the group of political activists and antimilitarist militants from Alto Adige”. The article then reports the testimony of lawyer Francesca De Angelis, who says: “The expulsion order, like the ban on access to urban areas (Dacur, the so-called urban daspo) is an administrative measure that limits freedom of movement and operates as a preventive measure with respect to the commission of crimes”.

Measures of a fascist regime. A measure, concludes Giordano, “widely used during fascism against those who opposed the regime. Today this device is provided for by article 2 of legislative decree 159/2011, known as ‘Anti-mafia code and prevention measures‘. Its application does not require the validation of a judge, but it is sufficient for the police commissioner to consider that a subject manifests with his behavior attitudes attributable to the concept of social dangerousness”.

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– 2024-08-30 04:46:08

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