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Although most of the “experts” bet that the train will take us, it will go well

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador He affirmed that although most of the “experts” bet that the train will take us, he trusted that we are going to face the economic crisis, because the forecasts of his “adversaries” have failed.

“Most experts bet that the train will take us. So I maintain that no, that we are going to leave, I have confidence in the people, in our strategy of not allowing corruption and acting with austerity, that is the formula to face the crisis. ”

In his press conference at the National Palace, the president listed the forecasts in which, he said, his opponents have failed.

“They said that the economy was going to fall as much as 5 points in the first quarter, it fell 1.6, they did not expect the increase in remittances, they stayed with square eyes, 4 billion dollars in March, is the month in the history of more remittances and we had already started suffering from the coronavirus ”.

In foreign investment, the President recalled that in the first quarter more than 10 billion dollars arrived, 1.7 increase in real terms; the collection from January to May 21, increased 3.5% compared to the same period last year.

“Pheavy oil in a month from -0 to $ 27 a barrel. Depreciation of the peso from 25 pesos per dollar to 23 pesos per dollarSo, here we go, we are progressing, little by little. I just want to remember that before the coronavirus the peso was the currency in the world that was strengthening the most in relation to the dollar. ”

President López Orador said he accepts the challenge because he is sure that with the method applied by his administration he will be able to overcome the economic crisis.

“They say that it will be impossible for us not to get into debt, we are going to wait, we are doing everything to save more, avoid corruption, recover resources, the debts, imagine how much was owed to the SAT for influentialism and now it is charging … people now He knows that this resource is well applied, that nobody steals it. “


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