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Alternatives for Phosphorus Fertilization in Soybeans

In the tests carried out, the yield of the soybean crop correlated linearly and positively with
the dose of P.

The application of soybean fertilizers It is necessary to obtain good yields. Planning in the use of these fertilizers is key, since they represent a high relative cost of investment in agricultural crops.

For this, the agricultural engineer David Melionspecialist of INTA Bragado, It is recommended to decide the doses and sources to be used, including soil sampling as the basis of any diagnosis. “It must be accompanied by an environmental characterization of the lot, that is, its previous history, rainfall patterns or the availability of groundwater, among other variables”explained in a work.

Soy is a crop that demands a large amount of nutrients and manages to adapt to different qualities of the environment. Achieving acceptable yields in dissimilar resource supply situations.

“This means that occasionally the importance of using adequate fertilization criteria is minimized, which, added to the fact that the crop has a low quantity and quality contribution from stubble, results in negative nutrient balances in those lots where the crop predominates,” he explained.

Protection from the seed

In certain situations, soybean seed is sensitive to phytotoxic effects when fertilizer is added at the planting line. If we add the need to increase the volume of fertilizer added to obtain adequate yields and, consequently, more positive nutritional balances, it becomes necessary to evaluate the practice of broadcast fertilization before planting.

David Melión, INTA Bragado specialist.

In that sense, the INTA Bragado Rural Extension Agency carried out the experimentation comparing the application of different doses of fertilizer by broadcasting in advance with the application in line at the time of planting the crop.

“Bearing in mind that phosphorus (P) is the most relevant nutrient for soybeans, the focus is on this component, added to the possibility of quantifying its availability in the soil through laboratory analysis”Malion explained.

The answer

Therefore, the objective of this work was to determine the response and
efficiency of use to the addition of phosphorous fertilizer in different doses,
moments and forms of location in soybean cultivation. The results include two trial campaigns, 2018/2019 and 2020/2021 in plots with a corn predecessor.

The trial was carried out using the soybean variety DM 3810. The application date for the early phosphorus broadcast in 2018 was July 15 and sowing was October 29. In the year 2020, the volley was carried out on July 21 and the planting date was November 5.

“The triple interaction between campaigns, time of application and dose of P was not statistically significant”, commented the researcher. There was also no interaction between dose and time of application.

This means that the effect of adding different doses of P on yield was independent of the time of application. “The crop responded to the addition of P, obtaining an average response to the P dose that was significant with respect to the control and, at the same time, it was between P20 and P30, obtaining higher yields as we increased the dose of phosphorus fertilizer used,” he acknowledged. Melion.

Conclusions to keep in mind

Among the conclusions, the need to add phosphorous fertilizer in the soybean crop is ratified, given the response that the crop shows. It also allows the replenishment of the P that the crop extracts from the soil.

Under the test conditions, it was possible to observe a response in yield between the different doses of P used, regardless of the moment and method of application..

“Regarding the efficiency of the use of phosphorus, there were no significant differences in relation to the dose P, moment and method of phosphorus application, while there was a better efficiency associated with the environmental conditions in each campaign,” he explained.

Considering the susceptibility of soybean seed to phytotoxicity when it is fertilized in line at planting, and given the demand for nutrients that this crop has, early broadcasting is a viable alternative to implement fertilizations with greater adjustment and better nutrient balances. .

The Rural ABC

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