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Also in Utrecht many shooting stars visible due to meteor shower; best chance tonight

Anyone who wants to see shooting stars should look up at the sky tonight. Many were spotted above Utrecht last night, thanks to the Perseid meteor shower that is currently passing by the earth. But tonight is the best chance to admire them.

The shooting stars are more visible this year than in previous years, thanks to the favorable weather conditions. Temperatures are high, there is little cloud cover, and the moon sets early. The Perseids is one of the most famous meteor showers and returns every year in August.

The best time to see shooting stars is in the night from Monday to Tuesday, with the peak around 03:45. Although most meteors are expected then, there are also plenty of chances to spot them in the nights after that. The phenomenon is best seen from a dark place, such as Amelisweerd.

What is a ‘shooting star’?

A shooting star is not actually a star, but a meteor. A meteor is created when a small piece of space debris, such as a rock or dust particle, enters the Earth’s atmosphere. Friction with the air causes this debris to burn up, creating the bright streak of light we see in the sky.

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