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Alsmann started collecting records at the flea market

The musician and presenter Götz Alsmann (“Zimmer frei!”) Has meticulously put together a record collection. “I’ve been collecting since my teenage days. I started – as they did in the 1970s – on the flea market, ”he told the German press agency.

He also bought a lot from auction lists. “That was long before Ebay. You got a list in January and you had to write what a certain record is worth to you by the end of February. Then around May you got the news, ”said the 64-year-old. Money had flowed through “international postal orders”. “And in October you finally got the record.”

Alsmann will be presenting finds from its archive in a new WDR podcast from January 3rd. It is entitled “The Secret Garden of Jazz”. The Münster native wants to shed light on lesser-known jazz productions from the 1950s and 1960s and tell anecdotes about them.

“The records I am presenting may not be records that you have to know. But they are records worth getting to know, ”he said. “And: They all come from my collection.”

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