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Alright, Qualcomm sued for soaring smartphone prices

Foreign media have reported that Qualcomm is being sued for overreaching the current smartphone price.

UK’s Leading Consumer Association Which? It has sued Qualcomm, or popular chipset maker, Snapdragon, for damages of £ 482.5 million, or about 20 billion baht for monopoly.

Which? Given that Qualcomm has exercised its proprietary rights, processor patents, Charge fees from Apple, Samsung And other companies that are too inflated. The result is The price of the smartphone has bounced higher than it used to be more than reasonable.

The main allegation of Which? Connect Qualcomm

  1. Qualcomm declined to trade patents with other companies.
  2. Qualcomm will not manufacture chips for companies that do not pay for their patents, according to the company.

“We believe Qualcomm’s behavior is a trade monopoly. Causing customers to spend an unnecessarily large amount of money We have to stop Qualcomm’s such behavior, ”said the agency. Which? say

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