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Already under pressure, Carcassonne runs out of openings to face Aurillac

USC is late with a final place. For Aurillac’s reception, he is deprived of his three owners: Dorian Jones, Baptiste Mouchous, Christopher Hilsenbeck. Damien Anon will start with number 10.

Is US Carcassonne still in the euphoria of the previous season when they brilliantly achieved fifth place and play-off participation? Are you currently paying tribute to this beautiful season? We can answer in the affirmative, because after seven games he occupies the sixteenth and last place from the sixth day and the defeat against Massy with a defensive bonus (17-20). The USC is currently in a difficult, suffering situation. In addition to the accounting deficit, management faces a number of injuries.

And since a misfortune never comes on its own, during the previous trip to the Charentes, the infirmary welcomed two new residents: the flanker Aaron Carroll (sprained knee), the forerunner Baptiste Mouchous victim of a fracture of the nasal septum at the last second By Right in the strategic position of number 10, Christian Labit’s team is totally decimated. Welshman Dorian Jones, who distinguished himself as a medical joker last season, is not yet operational. For the moment he has only twenty-nine minutes of play in the first game at Colomiers. At the moment a cyst has appeared in the arch of the foot, which is delaying his return to the field a little longer. Christopher Hilsenbeck, author of the winning penalty against Béziers, also suffers from a pain in the metatarsus, which forces him to take a minimum of six weeks of rest. Finally, Baptiste Mouchous will not be operational this evening.

“Salvation will come through play”

The choice of the coach and the manager of the rear, Jean-Marc Aué, at the level of number 10 fell on Damien Anon, the versatile player of the Aude frontline who has two appearances in this position (22 minutes for Biarritz and 80 for Soyaux-Angoulême). It goes without saying, the USC is currently in an awkward position. Within the framework, we prefer to play down the situation. “The period is difficult, recognizes Jean-Marc Aué. But we won’t add pressure to pressure. When we look at the ranking, only two points separate us from Montauban, the fourteenth. In our current situation, salvation will come through play. Since the start of the season we have been afraid of making mistakes. The fear of making mistakes makes us frustrate. Tonight, we need to find consistency in our line game. By finding consistency, I think we will find the way to victory.

Tonight the USC will find a team from Aurillac who had copiously dominated last April (54-24) on the grass of the Domec. But in a few weeks the Aurillacois Stadium has changed a lot. It is in eighth place. Unlike their opponent, the Cantaliens will not have the pressure. Pressure, the enemy of the poorly classified.

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