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Already Know What Is Immune Escaping? Come on, see the explanation below


JAKARTA – For a time pandemic Covid-19 There are so many terms about the medical world that are educated to the public. One of the newest terms that are being discussed at this time is immune escape or commonly called immune escape. So what is the explanation of this term?

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Summarizing from the official Instagram page of the Covid-19 Task Force for Behavior Change @satgaschangebehavior, Saturday (28/8/2021), immune escape is the ability of a mutated pathogen to escape detection by an immune system that has been trained against the original pathogen due to a previous infection. or vaccination .

This mutated pathogen becomes resistant to the person’s awakened immunity. The post also provides a simpler example of interpreting the term “pass immunity” related to the Covid-19 pandemic situation.

Imagine a bicycle lock where each part of the lock has four possible keys. Imagine, if the lock resembles a virus that has 30 thousand parts. That’s the entire genome sequence of the Covid-19 virus.

Every now and then the viruses multiply and fill the parts of the padlock. Each time the virus spreads, it copies the sequence and sometimes these variations can make the virus a little stronger, and more spreadable or more resistant to the human immune system.

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Therefore, the public is advised not to be careless. Always remember to carry out the 3M health protocol, namely wearing masks, maintaining distance and avoiding crowds, and washing hands with soap to prevent the transmission of Covid-19.


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