Home » World » Alps Snowfall Plummets 34% as Europe Heats Up Faster Than Globe

Alps Snowfall Plummets 34% as Europe Heats Up Faster Than Globe

A new study has revealed a ‍stark decline in snowfall across the Alps,⁤ raising concerns about the ⁤future of ​water⁢ resources and winter tourism in the region. ⁣

Researchers from Eurac Research, whose findings were published in the International Journal of Climatology, analyzed data from 46 sites across the Alps, spanning a century from 1920 to 2020. Their ⁢analysis revealed a⁣ worrying average decrease of ‍34% in‍ snowfall over this period.

“There is a markedly negative​ trend in terms of fresh snowfall in the Alps with an overall decrease of about 34%. In particular, a notable decrease was ⁤observed after 1980. This date ⁣also coincides with an equally sharp⁣ increase ⁣in temperatures,” said Michele ​Bozzoli,‍ an environmental meteorologist at Eurac Research and lead ⁢author of the study.

The study found important⁢ regional variations in snowfall decline. The southwestern slopes ​of the Alps⁢ experienced the‌ most dramatic reduction, with snowfall ⁣plummeting by nearly 50%.In⁤ contrast, the northern Alps saw a more moderate decrease of 23%. ​

Altitude played a ⁢crucial role⁢ in these ‍trends.While winter precipitation has increased lower⁣ elevations are seeing more rain⁣ rather of snow due to rising temperatures. “Snow is crucial as a water reservoir. ⁢It feeds​ glaciers, mountain ⁢streams, and as it melts slowly⁤ in spring, replenishes water⁤ reserves gradually.⁣ The decrease‍ in snow ‍has an impact not onyl on winter sports, but‍ also on all activities and processes that rely on water. This aspect can no ⁢longer​ be ignored ​in the ‌policy planning of water management,” bozzoli emphasized.

The researchers compiled their data⁢ from a​ variety of sources, including modern weather stations, ‌historical handwritten logs ⁢from designated observers, and collaborations with meteorological offices,‍ environmental agencies, volunteer organizations, and the University of ‍Trento. ​

The findings of this study have significant ⁣implications for the Alps, a region heavily reliant ⁤on snow for both its ⁣economy and its ecosystem.

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