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Alpay Azap: Uncontrolled spread started

Ministry of Health Coronavirus Scientific Committee Member, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Ibni Sina Hospital Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Specialist Prof. Dr. Alpay Azap made important statements in the “Day Begins” program on Habertürk TV.

Stating that the cases are increasing again, Azap said, “Although the number of cases did not drop below a thousand, we had finished the period when the virus spread uncontrollably. Now, we see that it started to spread uncontrollably.” said.

Azap said the following for Ankara:

You’ve been pretty busy for 3 to 4 weeks. Although the number of cases is not very fast, there is an increase day by day, whether in the number of people applying to us or in detecting positive cases in the test.


-We can manage for now. Our beds in intensive care are not completely full. Our occupancy rate increases week by week, too. We have room yet, but frankly, this increase worries us.

-As we saw in the first wave, we are very concerned about the rapid increase in the number of cases.


For the ‘second peak’ and ‘second wave’ discussions, Azap said:

-We do not have a clear scientific criterion when discussing the wave issue. In fact, we do not have a criterion by which we can say this, which number fell below the wave ended and when the number exceeded, the second wave started.

If the generally accepted criterion is that the virus is spreading in the society in an uncontrolled way, you should accept it as a wave. I think we actually got the first wave under control.

– Although the number of cases did not drop below a thousand, we had finished the period when the virus spread uncontrollably. Now we see it spreading uncontrollably.

-It does not matter, you can say the second peak of the first wave, you can also say the second wave, but there is a fact that the number of cases is increasing.


Reminding that Ankara is one of the cities with the highest increase on the basis of patients, Azap answered the question of which age group goes to hospitals the most:

-Very good questions … In fact, questions we are curious about the answers. To manage this epidemic, you need to know the answers to these questions.

Probably, the provincial pandemic board is following this very closely. I only know the data of our own center.

-We encounter patients of all age groups. As expected, we encounter milder cases at younger ages. When we look at the inpatients, we can say that their age is high.

– The age at which this disease progresses in the world is a little earlier for us, for example, while it is 65 years and over abroad, it is slightly lower in our country.

-Because the possibility of chronic diseases occurring at an earlier age is a bit higher in our country. That’s why we have patients with severe prognosis in our 40s and 50s. “

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