Home » today » Health » Aloe vera juice helps to lose weight and cleanses the liver of toxins. How and when to drink it

Aloe vera juice helps to lose weight and cleanses the liver of toxins. How and when to drink it

Aloe vera juice contains active compounds that can help you lose unwanted pounds. In addition, it detoxifies the liver, combats water retention in the tissues and eliminates the “fluffy” appearance, while helping to eliminate constipation.

Many of us are familiar with aloe vera gel and its benefits for the skin. But aloe vera juice can also be used due to its laxative and detoxifying properties that can facilitate weight loss.

Find out below the benefits of aloe vera juice in the diet, how and when to consume it, but also what are the dangers of excessive consumption and who should avoid it.

How aloe vera juice helps you lose weight

Aloe vera has laxative properties and, when consumed in adequate amounts, can be beneficial for digestion. Aloe vera juice can fight constipation, while accelerating metabolism. Thus, the body “burns” more effectively the calories ingested from food.

This is due to the enzymes and vitamin B in the composition of the aloe vera gel, which transforms grease stored in the body in energy and helps in weight loss.

It is also ideal for people who are experiencing excess water in the tissues. Consumed daily, it combats water retention and helps eliminate symptoms such as swollen feet, bloating or bags under the eyes.

Last but not least, aloe vera gel contains a compound called acemannan, which facilitates the absorption of nutrients by cells, nourishes them and helps to liver detoxification.

How to consume aloe vera for weight loss

To make aloe vera juice, all you have to do is add a small piece of aloe gel to the blender, over which you pour a glass of water. Mix for a few seconds, add a little lemon juice and drink the “elixir” in the early hours of the morning.

To avoid any side effects, it is important to consume aloe juice in small amounts. Also, if you suffer from certain conditions or follow different treatments, it is recommended to consult a doctor before consuming aloe juice.

For example, excessive consumption of aloe juice is associated with electrolyte imbalances and gastrointestinal disorders (cramps, vomiting, diarrhea). It can also cause complications in people with kidney disease or irritable bowel syndrome.

Aloe juice is not recommended for pregnant women or breastfeeding women. At the same time, its consumption is contraindicated if you are going to undergo surgery that involves the use of an anesthetic called sevofluranbecause it increases the risk of bleeding.

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