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Almozandia Teatro: surviving the pandemic thanks to the proximity of crowdfunding

Almozandia Teatro is an Aragonese company of shows that has been bringing smiles to the little ones for almost 25 years. Of its components, the closeness they show to their audience stands out, whom they see growing up and with whom they chat at length when the curtain is lowered. Its leitmotif: education through play.

There is nothing that can resist them and that includes music. They have two albums published with their best creations, but the third compilation still resists them… Because of the pandemic. The situation that has caused the health emergency that we continue to experience has affected culture and especially the economy. That is why they have launched a crowdfunding campaign to get that third job called “Pim pam out” to light.

Almozandia participated in the recent flower festival of Parque Grande

“Crowdfunding is a way of making a project possible when initially the economy does not allow it. We want to make an album that will be in the hands of our audience in December of this year. To be able to record it from September we need money for all equipment expenses, musicians, singers … Normally these funds come from the company’s annual profits, but since 2020 has been a paralyzed year, our profits have dropped … “, he explains one of the founding members of Almozandia Teatro, Maite Zamorano.

It is not an amateur project because the members of Almozandia have two other albums in their repertoire: Alboroto and Alborota2. They have always made that initial investment that this time has not been possible: “We have users who have come to our shows and ask us for that album. We wanted to launch it in 2020, but the statues game (the pandemic) is here and we would not like to delay it any longer. For it to be possible to remove it, we need everyone’s help ”.

One of the company’s shows, next to the Plaza del Pilar

The process is easy: enter a website called Verkami, buy your album in advance, with which it is also possible to obtain numerous rewards, and if the stipulated amount is reached, the initiative continues. “You can buy the record and a badge … The record and a spinning top … The record and a calendar … Some cool shoes or handmade cloth hats … There are simple and original ones, like two people from the show coming to your house to sing you for 20 minutes or that larger organizations such as companies or municipalities hire our services while taking some records. Everything is welcome ”, says Maite.

In principle simple proposals that have a large creative process behind so that these patrons get a good experience: “We have had to think a lot of ideas about what exactly to offer. There are people who have loved us for a long time, like children who came with only two years and are now 18. For those who wonder what will happen if they put in the money and finally there is no album, I have to tell them that nothing happens, because in in this case the collection would not be made finally. However, I hope they do it, because that would mean that there is a record ”.

The characters of Almozandia have the objective that the little ones learn through play

The future CD will be titled “Pim pam out” and has already managed to raise about 2,300 euros in 30 days. “The album in total consists of 14 songs compiled from our latest shows called ‘Nada en su lugar’ ‘Carabín Carabán’ and ‘Una noche entre zapatos’. They are very different but they complement each other very well through the claim that you have to learn while playing ”, transmits Maite. For the recording they have Víctor Cano, Xavi Nadal and Daniel Mateo, among others. The latter is a musical director who has been with Almozandia for a long time, making dreams for the little ones in the house to enjoy and learn in a close environment.

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