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Almost free childcare, sugar tax and higher minimum wage: these are the plans of the new cabinet


The reimbursement for childcare will be increased in steps to 95 percent for working parents. In addition, the allowance is paid directly to childcare institutions so that parents are no longer confronted with high recoveries.

Parents only pay a small personal contribution.


Pandemic preparedness is being strengthened. For example, there will be flexible scaling up and deployment of IC capacity, especially in the area of ​​personnel. Public health care will also be strengthened.

Healthcare salaries are being increased.

The cabinet is also considering a Chief Medical Officer, who operates on the basis of technical knowledge.

The government is investing extra in research into and tackling Alzheimer’s, obesity and cancer.

The government is raising excise duties on tobacco. The VAT on fruit and vegetables will be reduced to 0 percent.

For the elderly, living and care are being separated step by step, so that the elderly can continue to live at home for longer.

The deductible no longer has to be paid in one go.

Minimum wage

The minimum wage will be gradually increased by 7.5 percent. People on benefits also receive a higher amount because the link is maintained.


The coalition is allocating a total of 1 billion euros extra for education. The basic grant will be returned to all students. There will also be an ‘income-dependent supplementary grant’. The height is not yet known.

Students who had to borrow under the loan system will receive compensation for this. They receive a discount on their student debt or a ‘study voucher’.

The public transport student card remains. Students for whom no basic grant has been available in recent years will be compensated.

Parties also close the pay gap between primary and secondary school teachers

Residential construction: 15,000 temporary homes annually

To relieve the acute housing shortage for labor migrants, the homeless, students and starters, 15,000 temporary homes are being built every year. Also, every year 15,000 houses are to be built in former office buildings.

100,000 homes must be built per year, at least two thirds must consist of affordable rental homes or owner-occupied houses up to the limit of the National Mortgage Guarantee.

Medical Ethical

Opinions differ on medical-ethical topics, such as abortion and the right to euthanasia at the end of life. It has been agreed that these are ‘free issues’. This means that MPs can follow their conscience when voting. The government itself will not take any initiatives.

Climate: steps for two new nuclear power plants

Steps are being taken for the construction of two new nuclear power plants. The power station in Borsele will remain open.

There will be funds of 60 billion for climate and nitrogen. The nitrogen and nature targets are being brought forward: the government wants to achieve the reduction targets by 2030, instead of 2035.

To ride

Road pricing is being prepared but will only be introduced after this cabinet. This means that you no longer pay for the work of a car, but for its use. Paying per kilometer replaces the general road tax.

In municipalities where it is possible, the maximum speed in built-up areas is 30 kilometers per hour.


To promote the integration and integration of newcomers, the cabinet will continue with the new Civic Integration Act. The reintroduction of the integration obligation for Turkish newcomers will also be continued.

Newcomers are encouraged to learn the Dutch language up to a certain minimum level. Achieving the greatest possible language proficiency remains the goal.

For people with multiple nationalities who only want Dutch nationality, but cannot relinquish their other nationality, the government supports a special register for undesirable nationalities.

Social initiatives to promote integration are supported.

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