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Almost all male, very active on Facebook: who are Vannacci’s followers on social media

League candidate for the next elections European elections of 8-9 June 2024the La Spezia general Roberto Vannacci is definitely among the people who are most talked about and who are the most talked about in view of the appointment with the polls.

There’s a lot of talk about it on social networks too, but how? Under what terms? AND on which platforms? To try to understand this, with the vote still a month away, we turned to analysts at DeReva company specializing in digital strategy and communication, the same ones who helped us to delve deeper into Ferragni case or even to predict exactly who would win the last Sanremo Festival. Below, some numbers and some considerations.

I report

How many users and how many moderators: the real numbers of social networks active in Italy

by Emanuele Capone

facebook: a recent post by Vannacci

The image built on Facebook

At the time of writing, Vannacci has little less than 7 thousand followers on Facebookwhich remains largely the social network where he is most successful, who join the approximately 20 thousand on his personal page: on average he makes a post every two days (just over 50 since the beginning of the year) and has enviable engagement values ​​(7.2%) and interaction (17%, over 30 thousand since the beginning of the year), especially when compared to the small community.

They are Instagram, the official profile has just under 10 thousand followers: Vannacci posts almost once a day (over 100 pieces of content since the beginning of the year) and has good levels of engagement and interaction, although not comparable to those on Facebook and respectively 4.3% and 12% (for a total of over 50 thousand interactions year to date).

The oldest of the social networks is also the one on which they appear his followers are more active, which are instead felt to a lesser extent on YouTube and even less on Instagram; its audience is almost entirely Assente da TikTok e da LinkedIn.

A man’s candidate

But what kind of audience is Vannacci’s audience? It is made up of the vast majority of males, according to what emerges from DeRev’s findings: 93.3% of its online audience is made up of men, while only 6.67% are women. As for the age range, he confirms the distribution on the various social networks: 48% of those who interact with him are over 45 years old, 28% are between 35 and 44 years old (the so-called Millennials), while 23% are between 25 and 34 years old. Under the age of 25, practically no one knows who he is or at least pays attention to him on social media.

On Google, the research concerning him have also had very recent peaks of interest, particularly between April 25th and May 1st and with queries linked to his name combined with words or concepts such as book, disability, Military grade, Matteo Salvini ed European.

There’s a data that emerges from the analysis and which might seem worrying but for Vannacci it isn’t: among the contents that mention it in the last month, 90% have a negative sentiment, while only 10% are supportive or admiring. Conscious or not, it is probably a strategy, as confirmed to us by DeRev: “He advances by being opposed, but through the contrast he gains fame and this allows him to reach that minority, made up above all of men who recognize themselves in an old and low style machismowhich could ultimately be enough for a seat in the European Parliament.”

instagram: a recent post by Vannacci

Fake news

Deepfakes by Hollywood actors against Ukraine: “Zelensky is an ally of the Nazis”

by Emanuele Capone

Consensus that arises from dissent

His public profiles (which are the ones on which it is possible to carry out surveys) are too recent to be able to evaluate how much his popularity on social media has increased in the last year, but one thing is certain: “Vannacci has took advantage of the results of the publication of the book. So he was probably thinking of giving vent to his ideas about him, imagining that he would have visibility but perhaps not as wide and widespread as what he actually had – he pointed out to us Roberto Esposito, CEO of DeRev – From one day to the next he became a national figure and understood that he could repeat the pattern.” Again: “Accomplice Salvini, who is well used to riding trends and who probably decided to nominate him precisely for this reason, Vannacci understood that the path of provocation is particularly profitable”.

As mentioned, it might seem like a losing strategy but here it turns out to be a winning one: “Enter with a straight leg in the world of political correctness, decimating one cornerstone after another, does not in itself have any promise of effectiveness, but obtains it when the interlocutors, instead of ignoring the initiative, favor its emergence. Vannacci is a product of those who denounce him indignantly,” Esposito told us again.

Confirming a sensation that is perceived when looking at the data: “In itself he would have nothing, neither social media numbers nor a previous reputation, nor followers or structures behind. Without an interlocutor who takes the bait, he could not be among the opinion leaders. If he manages to stay there and be a high-sounding voice it is because others give him theirs. Starting from the PD, which instead of looking the other way, does nothing but mention it and call him into question”.


#male #active #Facebook #Vannaccis #followers #social #media
– 2024-05-09 17:41:20

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