Home » today » Technology » almost 50 years later it is discovered who wrote the serial number on the first Apple computers

almost 50 years later it is discovered who wrote the serial number on the first Apple computers

For the million followers from Apple in the world there is a product that occupies a special place in history from your favorite manufacturer: Apple Ithe first computer produced by the brand of the bitten apple.

that legendary team hit stores in 1976 and they were only made 200 units. The first hundred take the serial number written by hand on the main card in the format “01-00##“, remember the website 9to5mac.

For decades, the authorship of those inscriptions It has been a mystery for the most faithful followers of the Cupertino company. But none of Apple’s key figures have acknowledged writing the number, indicates RT.

Can not be!!!

Apple co-founder, Steve Wozniakwho designed and assembled the first Apple I by hand, denied that the figures were in his own handwriting. Apparently, Steve Jobs He also denied being the author of the inscription. Like Daniel Kottke, the employee in charge of assembling and testing some of the circuit boards. Then, who made the registrations?

To put an end to speculation and reveal once and for all the author of the inscriptions, Achim Baqué, responsible for the Apple-1 Registry pagewhich offers a catalog of all known units of that model, traveled from Germany to the US and used the services of PSA, a company that analyzes signatures and documents of famous handwritten

Main card of the Apple I where the serial number is. (WIKIMEDIA COMMONS)

The firm’s experts will collect all the images available of the serial number in question and performed a complex graphological analysis.

After three months of workthe conclusion was clear: after all yes it was Steve Jobsalthough we will probably never know why he made those inscriptions and if he had really forgotten about it over time. Selective memory is what you have. 😉

(Photo: Ed Uthman – WIKIMEDIA COMMONS)

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