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Almost 29 percent more drug offenses – Waldshut district

705 cases involving drugs / Highest increase in the area of ​​​​the police headquarters / Clear-up rate at more than 90 percent.

. Drug-related crime has again increased sharply in the Waldshut district. As can be seen from the crime statistics for the year 2021 recently published by the police headquarters in Freiburg. There were 156 more cases compared to the year before. That is an increase of 28.4 percent. There were a total of 705 cases related to possession, acquisition, trafficking or smuggling of drugs.

A large proportion of drug offenses involved possession and purchase of intoxicants. Case numbers rose from 417 in 2020 to 588 last year. Drug trafficking and smuggling, on the other hand, declined. In 2020 there were 105 crimes related to drug trafficking and smuggling, in 2021 there were 94 cases.

“The Freiburg police headquarters is doing everything it can to clear up the dark field in drug-related crime,” writes Waldshut-Tiengen’s police spokesman, Mathias Albicker, when asked. This leads to an increase in the number of cases. Drug crime is therefore referred to as so-called hollow crime. This is and will remain a priority. Customs and federal police also seize drugs in the border district of Waldshut. What pushes the number of cases additionally upwards.

According to Albicker, the possession and purchase of cannabis accounts for a lion’s share of reported crimes. What the statistics of the police headquarters in Freiburg underpins. Last year there were 427 cases related to the possession and purchase of cannabis. Only 55 related to the trafficking and smuggling of this intoxicant.

Drug-related crime increased, while the clear-up rate remained high in 2021. The police were able to clear up 91.8 percent of the drug cases. According to statistics, the rate has been consistently over 90 percent for ten years. The peak value was 96.3 percent in 2017. According to Albicker, the police confiscated 185 kilograms of drugs in the entire area of ​​​​the police headquarters in Freiburg last year. The police are also taking decisive action against public drug use.

Lockdown and border closures during the corona pandemic obviously had no impact on the drug trade. Albicker: “There were no such extensive border closures as in 2020 in 2021. Only locally limited ones.” In addition to the classic land route, other ways are also possible to get drugs. For example by mail. The number of suspects increased in line with the number of cases. In 2021, 598 suspects could be assigned to the 705 drug-related crimes. Compared to 2020, this is an increase of 133 (28.6 percent).

The numbers in comparison

District of Waldshut: In the district, Waldshut-Tiengen is the leader with 234 drug-related offenses, followed by Bad Sckingen (95), Jestetten (41), Bonndorf (36), Lottstetten (35), Laufenburg (32), Wehr and Kssaberg (29 each), Sthlingen (25) , Klettgau (24), Murg (20), Lauchringen (18), Wutschingen (13), Hohentengen and hlingen-Birkendorf (11 each).
Police Headquarters Freiburg: The frontrunner in the area of ​​the Freiburg police headquarters is the urban district of Freiburg with 2126 crimes, followed by the districts of Lrrach (1407), Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald (1305), Waldshut (705) and Emmendingen (469). At 28.4 percent, drug offenses in 2021 compared to the previous year increased most in the Waldshut district. It is followed by the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald (plus 21.8 percent), the urban district of Freiburg (4.9), the district of Emmendingen (2.9) and Lrrach (0.2).

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