almonds It is a nut that has been eaten by humans for over a thousand years. Modern research supports eating almonds. 1-2-3 meansEat 1 ounce of almonds a day, or 23 almonds. Get vitamin E, B2, protein, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese and fiber. super food rich in high antioxidants
Almond’s timeline:
1400 BC : Almonds originated in Central Asia. west asia and the Mediterranean The Greeks recorded almonds as food and medicinal uses around 1400 BC.
AD 100 : The Romans ate almonds in bread and snacks.
AD 600-900 : Almonds started growing in Spain, Morocco, Greece, Israel, and then traveled along the Silk Road to China.
1700s : Franciscan friars Brought almond trees from Spain to California.
AD 1890 : Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh painted a series of blooming almond blossoms. in a village in the south of France
1900 : plantingAlmonds grow in California.
2000 : California grows a lot of almonds. and most exports, about 80% of which are sold worldwide rest in the country
global almonds
Japan Make almond pastries, milk, pretzels, dipped in chocolate.
China Likes to eat almonds in autumn-winter. In the new year, I will eat salted almonds. and almond flavored abalone
India Almonds are a popular gift during Diwali.
Italy There are chocolate covered almonds, colorful sugar glazes, red for graduation, green for an engagement party, blue for congratulations on the birth of a son, pink for a girl.
France Macarons must be made from almond flour only. Or make almond cream as a filling, make marzipan.
Germany I love marzipan (marzipan, sweet potato balls made from almond flour) and in baked goods.
Sweden Hide the almonds in the rice pudding. Whoever finds it will get married next year.
England almonds in pastries and popular as a gift
America An assortment of almonds, cookies, almond butter, milk and oil.
Nutrients in almonds : 1 ounce (28 grams) has 152 calories, 6 grams of protein, 13 grams of fat, 6 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of fiber, 1 gram of sugar, contains vitamin E, B2, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese.
benefit :
good for heart Magnesium helps in controlling blood pressure levels. Thus helping to prevent heart disease. A report from the Journal of Clinical Hypertension published in 2011 reported that eating magnesium 500-1,000 mg / day. Helps reduce blood pressure by 5.6/2.8 mm Hg. However, in some people, no changes in blood pressure were found when taking magnesium alone. It should be taken in conjunction with potassium and reduced sodium intake.
fat control Help reduce bad cholesterol in the blood (LDL) from unsaturated fatty acids in almonds. And help increase good fat levels (HDL) and reduce triglycerides as well
good for bones Almonds are high in potassium and calcium. Helps build strength for bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis in women
good for blood sugar levels Magnesium has properties that help control blood sugar levels. Reduces the risk of diabetes cardiovascular disease It was tested on 20 Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes, aged 58 years (9 men, 11 women) who controlled their diet and ate almonds for 4 weeks. It found that it helped control blood sugar levels. blood And reduce the level of bad cholesterol (LDL). When the sugar level is good, it will result in a better metabolic level in the body. especially in patients with type 2 diabetes
good for intestines The fiber and minerals in almonds help improve digestion. helps the intestines to be healthy Affects the strengthening of the body’s immune system.
good for weight Almonds are low in calories. and good fats Contains protein and fiber to help you get full quickly. Reduce eating little by little during the day. Therefore, it is suitable as a food to help control weight.
How to eat almonds : Baked best, no need to add too much salt. Don’t need to sprinkle a lot of sugar. or eat in the form of snacks and bakery Ground almonds are a fine powder for macarons, pastries and almond milk. Almonds, whole or sliced, can be sprinkled on salads, soups, and pasta.
Almonds are a vegan food: Ground almonds are used to make milk and cheese flour. Use instead of wheat flour in baking. And is food for losers, such as gluten intolerance in wheat flour Lactose intolerance in milk
Caution : People allergic to legumes May be more likely to be allergic to almonds. Symptoms range from difficulty breathing, hives, to severe anaphylaxis.
andphytic acid (Phytic Acid) found in nuts and seeds. Eating too much may reduce the absorption of iron, zinc and calcium. Anti-nutrient, however, phytic acid is more beneficial than harmful, such as preventing gallstones. Reduce the risk of colon cancer
The way to prevent is to know how to eat in moderation. Eat in rotation. Westerners say that 1 handful per day or 1 ounce, about 23 seeds, is considered a lot. So there’s no need to eat that much. Or eat every other day. Almonds should be eaten alternately with other nuts or grains.
becausealmondsProvides energy and moderate fat And what follows may be salt, sugar, flour, in the form of all sorts of pastries and cookies. that comes with almonds