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Alma Mahler: A Talented Musician Overshadowed by Scandalous Relationships

Alma Mahler (1879–1964) was a talented pianist and composer. However, she gained fame solely because of her relationships with a number of prominent men.

Story: Alma (Emily Cox, 38) is married to the famous Gustav Mahler (Marcello De Nardo, 59). The classical genius forbids her to compose herself. Alma takes revenge by having an affair with architect Walter Gropius (Anton von Lucke, 33). After Mahler’s death, she meets the rebellious painter Oskar Kokoschka (Valentin Postlmayr, 30) – it’s love at first sight for both sides…

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The representations in director Dieter Berners (78) shot competently Film are consistently believable. That’s also why it’s frustrating that as a viewer you just don’t root for the lovers. The selfish, sometimes childish behavior of both title characters is annoying. So much so that soon we don’t care if they stay together or not…

Conclusion: This log of self-destructive love looks great and is convincingly acted. Unfortunately, the characters are so unsympathetic that interest quickly evaporates.

(89 Min./FSK: ab 16 J.)

Photo: BILD

2023-07-05 21:35:46
#Alma #Oskar #loved #hated

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