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AllSocial, the new app that wants to reconnect with the raison d’être of social networks

A man uses an app on his smartphone. – Clément Follain / 20 Minutes

The AllSocial network wants to attack Facebook by returning to the principles that made the success of the American giant. This new platform, launched in full containment, offers its users to reconnect with what was the charm of Facebook in its early days: sharing content with loved ones by breaking the constraints of the algorithm, reports the American magazine Forbes.

A truncated news feed

Facebook uses a powerful and complex algorithm to organize your news feed. The goal is to offer you relevant content, selected according to your areas of interest, but also sometimes posts from promotional agreements.

Problem: with this system, some of your friends’ publications no longer appear systematically on your feed. So you miss potentially interesting posts from your acquaintances, and your friends may also miss some of the content you share.

The promise of a return to the experience of the 2000s

Faced with this observation, AllSocial proposes to reconnect with the experience of social networks in their early days, namely a way to interact with friends and share content with them. The app promises to work without an algorithm that directs the content reach in order to guarantee a 100% reach on each publication.

Available on the web and in mobile versions for iOS and Android, AllSocial already has more than 1.6 million active users.

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