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Allows “Death over Putin” in some countries – VG

NEW WAR RULES: Facebook and Instagram moderators have received new messages.

Meta is making temporary changes to the Facebook and Instagram guidelines.


Meta will allow Facebook and Instagram users in some countries to express violent messages, which in principle violate their guidelines.

– As a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we have temporarily made it possible to express ourselves in a way that will normally violate the rules on violent speech, such as “death over the Russian invaders”. We will still not allow incitement to violence against Russian civilians, it is said in a statement from a spokesperson for Meta according to Reuters.

The news agency has also received internal e-mails stating that the company temporarily allows posts such as “Death over Putin” or “Death over Lukashenko”, but only in some countries.

Users in some countries are allowed

Countries where users are allowed to call for the death of Russian soldiers are: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Slovakia and Ukraine.

The email has been sent to moderators.

Russia blocked Facebook last week.

A new media law in Russia makes it illegal to spread what the authorities believe is “false information” about the war, which can not be described as war, and the penalty is up to 15 years in prison.

Meta, which is the parent company of Facebook, last month refused to follow orders from the Russian authorities to stop “fact-checking” allegations from state media.

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