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Allison Scott, wife of Sean Dhondt, testifies about leaked …

Allison Scott (31), the wife of Sean Dhondt (37), testified on Wednesday evening Cat without limits on Play4 for the first time about the leaked nude images of her husband. This is the integral version of the interview with Kat Kerkhofs, in which she clarifies, among other things, that it has still not been decided how to proceed with their marriage.

A year ago there was no talk of the fuss around Eveline and the leaked nude images of BVs, including Sean Dhondt. At that time Dhondt and Allison Scott had a happy relationship, the latter testifies in the program with Kat Kerkhofs. “That makes it so sad. I had no idea what was going on. ” Their relationship had ups and downs, like any relationship has, “but we still had fun together,” says Scott.

It was Dhondt who told her about the nude images. “I was probably the only one who didn’t know yet. It was talked about everywhere, and I was cooking at home and had no idea. But you couldn’t miss it, ”says Scott.

READ ALSO. Sexologist about breach of trust like Sean Dhondt and Allison Scott: “It will never be the way it was. And that is not necessarily bad ”

She realizes she is not the only one to experience cheating, she continues. “But this is different. You step into a room where people are sitting, including your friends. You have told them that you have been cheated because you trust them. You know they know and that’s fine. But in this case everyone has seen it and everyone knows. Everyone knows the most intimate, personal details of one of the worst things you’ve been through. That’s so confronting in the beginning. I didn’t go anywhere for a while. ”

Unexpected phones

The day he told her was an ordinary day, Scott says. Until she got phones from people she hadn’t heard for a long time. “I didn’t answer and texted Sean to ask what was going on. He didn’t answer, but when he got home he had to tell. I felt fifty different emotions in thirty seconds. At one point, it seems like your heart is being ripped out of your chest and you can’t breathe. I really didn’t know what to say and even started to laugh. Then I got mad. I said he had to go. I really wanted to kill him, so it was better he just left. ”

For the following days humiliation was the predominant feeling. “Now I have that feeling less and I can look at it more rationally. I haven’t done anything wrong. It’s so humiliating. You don’t know what that feels like until it actually happens to you. ” She also felt lonely. “You just want to go home (in the US, ed.) if something like this happens to you, but that was not possible during the pandemic. ”


She rented a house in Antwerp through Airbnb for a month and a half, but then came back. “We sleep in separate rooms. He is still my best friend and a lot of fun, we have fun and watch movies and listen to music. But that does not change what happened, we still need time separately. ”

Whether their marriage can still be saved? “We have been together for a long time. I’m never going to say terrible things about him and I don’t feel the need to get even. Despite everything, he is not a bad person. I don’t know if we’re going to stay together. We talked about it recently. If we decided that we’re going to try to get out and live in the same house, it just wouldn’t work. We both have to grow as a person, and he certainly does. He needs to change, including the way he thinks. I have to find myself again. ”

He wants to stay together, says Scott. “He still wants to make something of it. I get that, but I don’t know what’s next.

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