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Allison Scott responds to explicit videos for the first time …

Let’s go back to the beginning of September. Explicit nude photos and videos of some famous Flemish people are leaked and go viral. They were stolen by one ‘Eveline’, who will later turn out to be a 27-year-old student from Ghent.

The victims include VTM presenter and musician Sean Dhondt (37), who will testify about this shortly afterwards on radio station Qmusic. “I’m not going to lie about that, the impact on myself and my close surroundings, the people I see most, very dearly, is enormous. Gigantic even. The way in which my privacy and that of others has been violated is downright degrading, ”he said at the time.

© Qmusic

It was an open secret that the incident also weighed heavily on his marriage to the American tattoo artist Allison Scott. In the meantime, she has even been staying with her family in the United States for a long time, even though the two are not officially separated according to the latest reports.


Wednesday tells Scott in the Play4 program Cat without limits her side of the story for the first time. Each week, hostess Kat Kerkhofs highlights a specific topic around sex and relationships, and this time it is cheating and adultery. “I was the last to know. It was everywhere. But I didn’t know yet and didn’t know what was doing the rounds so hard. Until he told me. And I will never forget that day, ”she says.

READ ALSO. This is ‘Eveline’: a young man who made many other victims besides BVs

“Meeting Sean was the closest I’ve ever come to love at first sight,” she continues. The two met in Las Vegas in 2009, when Dhondt was on a raod trip with a comrade and spotted her on the dance floor. The following year they got married so that she could obtain permanent residence.

In the program she goes on to say that she realizes that every relationship is ups and downs has. “It’s never perfect, but we were happy. Until the fuss broke out. I saw every video after that. As humiliating as that was to me. Because that was it: humiliating. There are people who say: Is it a fraud? Those people can fuck off. ”

READ ALSO. Sean Dhondt’s fourth birthday and Valentine’s first in 11 years alone

Peter Van de Veire, another victim of ‘Eveline’, said earlier about the impact on his marriage: “The first thing I did was say to my wife: Honey, I think we should talk. She was my absolute priority. She is a hyper intelligent, sensitive and sweet lady who immediately realized: this is a problem. Not least for her. She’s been through hell. But she also helped me. Stand by your man. It’s the cliché of the world, but it was like that. ” And Stan Van Samang said that he “has been accountable to the people to whom he has to answer”.

‘Cat without borders’, Wednesday at 9:35 PM on Play4.

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