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Allier firefighters: a major training session organized in Montluçon to prepare for fires in natural areas

The Allier firefighters had taken over the Réaux site in Montluçon this Thursday, June 17, afternoon. The objective: to prepare for fires in natural areas.

“The entire department is affected by this risk,” said Colonel Philippe Sansa, director of the Allier departmental fire and rescue service (Sdis 03). “Mentally, you have to be ready. This training allows them to resume the good automatisms, to have the right rhythm. You have to manage to create a group dynamic. “

An organized maneuver in Réaux

A little more than fifteen firefighters, professionals and volunteers, coming from all over the department, were therefore in Montluçon this Thursday, June 17. They were able to participate in a simulated forest fire.

Two days after a first fire, a new start of fire at Réaux in Montluçon

“The objective of this maneuver is to see how they will react, how they will manage the situation”, specifies Commander Arnaud Manry, educational manager and head of the western group of Sdis 03.

“We prepare them for fires in the Allier, but also as if they were to leave for the south of France. “

Commander Arnaud Manry (leader of the western group)

Resume the right automatisms

Several courses of the same type have thus taken place in the Allier department, notably in Moulins and in the Bourbonnaise mountains, since May.
“We will also do smaller training soon, in the evening, for other firefighters such as those of Marcillat-en-Combraille”, continues Commander Manry.

Enough to allow as many firefighters as possible to be reactive and operational when the first fires in natural areas take place this season.

Allier: rural rescue centers lacking volunteer firefighters

Laura Morel

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