Home » today » Sport » Alliance KSC is “relieved” at Wellenreuther’s resignation – promised millions are coming

Alliance KSC is “relieved” at Wellenreuther’s resignation – promised millions are coming

Ingo Wellenreuther has resigned. The reason that he resigned as KSC President was primarily because the “Alliance KSC” put a lot of pressure on. The heavily indebted second division club would be given six million euros in the form of share purchases, thus avoiding bankruptcy. Condition: Wellenreuther had to resign. That happened, now only the contracts have to be signed. Interview with Christian Fischer, one of the spokesmen for the KSC Alliance.

Mr. Fischer, Ingo Wellenreuther is history as KSC President. Satisfied?

Facilitated. We have the highest respect for Mr. Wellenreuther’s decision. Now everything else has to be implemented.

Implement – that is? What are the next steps now?

Now those responsible have to create the final documents and signatures.

The extraordinary general assembly, which should deal with a possible plan insolvency, is now shelved?

The planned insolvency would be off the table and it would no longer have to be coordinated. It is up to the two vice presidents to decide whether to hold an information event instead.

So the duo Günter Pilarsky and Holger Siegmund-Schultze take over the business?

The articles of association stipulate that if one resigns from the presidium, the other two run the business and then there must be a general meeting in good time. This duo determines how it will proceed in this regard. I am confident that everything will go smoothly.

Who is elected as the new president?

It will be the sovereign, the members will decide. We would appreciate if many suitable candidates with entrepreneurial, sporting and integrative skills would come forward. We at the Alliance have made no condition or claim in this regard. It stays that way.

The alliance buys KSC shares for six million euros, is that enough to save the run-down, heavily indebted KSC? The debts – or liabilities – should be more than 30 million euros?

The commissioned law firm calculated the amount of six million euros. The money is needed to have financed this and the coming season. Of course, the KSC needs further investors for the future.

The past few weeks have been embarrassing for KSC supporters, it was a mud fight that caused head shakes across the country. Do you think that the large trenches that this created in the club can be filled up quickly?

The goal must be to discuss with each other again on an objective level and not about each other, that is the responsibility of all of us. The gaze must be directed forward. The most important thing: We wish our team good luck against Darmstadt on Saturday!

ka-news.de background: About the person

Christian Fischer is an entrepreneur, member of the board of directors of KSC e.V. and member of the supervisory board of KGaA.

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