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Allergy Vaccine: A Solution for Severe Allergy Crises

is not the same a mild itchy eyes or a few sneezes those allergy crises that leave the person knocked out that suffers them on the days of greatest pollination.

Itchy and watery eyes it can be so intense that they become inflamed and you can barely see. sneezing attacks they are so strong that they paralyze you the moment you suffer them.

  • Not to mention the asma, a more serious symptom that can appear if the allergy worsens over the years.

In Spain there are 8 million allergic to pollen

In these cases, the antihistamines are little more than balsamic candy for an allergy sufferer. And all he has to do is lock himself up at home (something that, on the other hand, is easier these days) and make sure that not even a particle of pollen enters through windows, doors…

Faced with a situation of these characteristics is when the vaccine can be the solution. He Dr. Angel Moral de Gregorio, president of Aerobiology Committee of the Spanish Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (SEAIC), explains to Saber vivir that “immunotherapy is the only thing that can really cure allergies, the only thing that can change the course of the disease”.

“Many patients improve and in 30% of cases the symptoms disappear totally, except for some days when pollen levels can be very high”says the specialist.

who may need allergy shot

“When treating an allergic – explains Dr. Moral-, it is normal to start with administer anhistamines (drugs aimed at reducing symptoms) and see how he responds. And if they don’t work and the symptoms intensify, they opt for immunotherapy”.

30% do not have symptoms again with the vaccine

“But sometimes we get allergic with pictures so intense that we choose directly by the vaccine”concludes.

How immunotherapy works

Allergy is a exaggerated response of our defenses before a substance that he identifies as dangerous. The process that takes place in our body is as follows:

  • The first time contact occursthe foreign substance or allergen enters the body through the skin, the digestive tract, the respiratory tract or the eyes.
  • cells of the immune system (lymphocytes) react excessively to said allergen, when under normal conditions they would neutralize it without further ado.
  • They make antibodies called IgE (immunoglobulin E) which are warnings for the defenses.
  • These antibodies or notices they are memorized in the lymphocyte so that it acts when it detects the allergen again.

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