London – The UK population has been vaccinated against the corona virus since Tuesday. The agent from Biontech and Pfizer triggered an allergic reaction in two employees of the national health service (NHS), reports SRDF, among others. The UK Medicines Agency has now recommended “not to vaccinate anyone who has had an anaphylactic reaction to vaccines, drugs or food in the past”. Anaphylactic shock is sudden and violent reactions such as a rash, shortness of breath and nausea.

Before vaccination started in the UK, Pfizer / Biontech had tested the vaccine on 44,000 people. Allergic reactions after vaccinations are not uncommon. In addition to the actual active ingredient, vaccinations contain some other substances, including those to stabilize it. Some people have an allergic reaction to one of these substances. With frequent ingredients of vaccinations, possible complications are known, writes SRF.

There is no more detailed information on how the two people affected actually reacted to the vaccine. NHS chief Stephen Powis told the parliamentary committee in London that both people would be recovering well. The fact that they were carrying an emergency kit suggests that they appeared to be predisposed to severe allergic reactions. What exactly triggered the complications is currently being investigated.

From: mk
