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Allegedly Threatening Mahfud-Hina Madura, Pastor Saifuddin Ibrahim Complained to Police


The chairman of the Madurese Harmony Foundation (Yakorma) Achmad Fauzy visited the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. His arrival to report the priest Saifuddin Ibrahim.

Achmad Fauzy visited the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police, Monday (22/3/2022). In addition to being considered blasphemy against religion, Saifuddin is also considered to have threatened the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud Md and insulted Madurese through his YouTube account.

“As a Madurese, I feel insulted by the statement Saifuddin who threatened Mr. Mahfud and invited carok. For the Madurese, carok is meant to uphold self-respect, not just being stabbed with a sickle. So challenging the carok of the Madurese is the same as challenging the self-esteem of the Madurese. In addition, he also made racist statements about the Madurese,” said Achmad Fauzy.

Achmad Fauzy also felt that Saifuddin Ibrahim insulted Islam by asking for 300 verses in the Qur’an to be removed. According to him, the Qur’an is the word of God that cannot be changed.

“As a Muslim, I feel harassed and insulted by my religion by Saifudin’s statement that he wants to erase 300 holy verses in the Qur’an. Because the Qur’an is the word of God that cannot be changed, let alone erased by humans,” he said.

He said he was worried that if Saifuddin was not taken immediately, it would lead to horizontal conflicts. He said many were furious with Saifuddin Ibrahim’s statement.

“I am worried that if it is not followed up immediately, it can lead to horizontal conflicts,” he said.

Meanwhile, Achmad Fauzy’s attorney, Duke Arie, conveyed that Saifudin Ibrahim’s statement uploaded on his personal YouTube account was strongly suspected of violating the Electronic Information and Transactions Law (ITE). Saifudin Ibrahim’s actions were also considered to have complied with Law No. 1/PNPS of 1965 concerning the Prevention of Abuse and/or Blasphemy of Religion.

“Saifuddin Ibrahim’s statement as the reported party is strongly suspected of violating Article 28 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 45a paragraph (2) of the Law on Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE),” he explained.

“Therefore, we hope that the Chief of the Indonesian National Police can follow up on this report so that further investigations and investigations can be carried out,” he continued.


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