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Alleged ‘Sorcery’ of Decisions Behind All MK Judges Politicized


Constitutional Court (MK) allegedly changed the substance of the judicial review decision on case number 103/PUU-XX/2022. As a result, all MK judges were reported to the police for the first time.

Initially, the alleged change in substance was revealed by the plaintiff in case number 103/PUU-XX/2022, namely Zico Leonard Djagardo Simanjuntak. Zico suspects that an individual judge changed the substance before it was published on the website MK.

“So changing ‘thus’ to ‘in the future’, and the minutes of the trial, not just the decision. It means that this was intentional if the minutes were changed. So after the trial it was immediately replaced before it was published,” Zico said when contacted, Friday (27/1).

Seen detikcom, Friday (27/1), on YouTube and the website of the Constitutional Court, Zico’s lawsuit relates to the removal of Constitutional Justice Aswanto which was carried out by the DPR. Aswanto was replaced by Guntur Hamzah who was then Secretary General of the Constitutional Court.

Constitutional Court Form MKMK

The Constitutional Court (MK) opened its vote on accusations of changing the substance of the judicial review decision for case number 103/PUU-XX/2022 regarding the removal of MK judge Aswanto. They stated that the matter would be handled by the Honorary Court of the Constitutional Court (MKMK).

“We have agreed that the settlement regarding the chronology or the truth of the issues that are developing will not be carried out by ourselves, by judges, but will be resolved through the Honorary Court of the Constitutional Court, namely MKMK,” said constitutional judge Enny Nurbaningsih in a press conference in Building I of the Court. Constitution, Jakarta, Monday (30/1).

He said that his party would soon sign a Constitutional Court Regulation (PMK) regarding MKMK. Because, he continued, MKMK is a new institution which was previously the MK ethics council.

“Therefore, so that this is more fair, independent, we leave it to MKMK to resolve this issue. So that’s the point,” said Enny.

He further said that the membership of this new institution would later consist of three people, namely one active judge, one public figure who understands law and constitution, and one academic.

“So in principle we will soon be at MKMK, there will definitely be an appointment decree regarding this matter to work as soon as possible, so that everything can be bright,” he said.

Asked about the independence of MKMK later because there is an element of active judges in its membership, Enny said, MK still cannot intervene in MKMK. He emphasized that MKMK would work independently.

“So we also cannot interfere with the MKMK which will be formed later. Let them work. Even though it will be said later that there are active judges, but that is an order from the law, I will also work independently as I believe in that. Therefore, let them work independently,” he added.

On the same occasion, Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman said that his party had held a judges deliberative meeting (RPH) to discuss this issue. He stated that MKMK would start work on February 1.

“In the near future, it will be clear for MKMK, God willing, February 1 will start working and God willing, within 30 days at the latest, they will have finished carrying out the tasks or mandates assigned to them,” he said.

All MK judges were reported to the police. Read next page>>>

Also see ‘The Interfaith Marriage Lawsuit Failed in the Hands of the MK’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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