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All You Need to Know: Different Types of Heart Disease, Symptoms, and Causes


Heart disease can occur from a young age to the elderly. Including lifestyle habits such as smoking or eating foods that are high in fat, and genetics, all are factors that can cause disease. 6 heart diseases and symptoms that everyone should know. including the causes of disease Each disease has different symptoms and causes. Examination and treatment will be according to the disease. Chest pain, palpitations, rapid heartbeat, fatigue, tiredness, swollen legs, and fainting or dizziness. These signs show that you may have heart disease. You should see a doctor immediately.

‘Heart disease’ Caused by factors both factors that cannot be controlled, such as gender, age, heredity, and factors that can be controlled, such as eating habits and exercise Although heart disease is life-threatening But it can be prevented by adjusting behaviors that cause heart disease risk. and undergo regular annual health examinations

Easily tired, tightness in the chest, heart palpitations, frequent fainting. With age, various organs deteriorate due to the condition of diabetes. People with diabetes increase their risk of heart disease 2-4 times. High blood pressure. Blood pressure greater than 140/90 mm/Hg increases the risk. People with high blood pressure who are less than 50 years old are at higher risk of developing coronary heart disease than normal people. High blood fat. Obesity in women with a body mass index (BMI) of more than 21 affects heart health. And if your BMI is more than 30, it means you are obese. and are at high risk of coronary heart disease

Did you know? Symptoms mentioned above They are all warning signs andHeart disease risk factors

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Check for heart disease. What symptoms are at risk?

Information from Wimut Hospital explains that Heart disease can be divided into 6 major types. What causes each disease? What are the specific symptoms and abnormalities observed? Including how to know if you have heart disease?

Heart disease (Heart Disease) is Diseases that affect heart function Can be subdivided into many disease groups, such as

Coronary heart disease Myocardial disease Heart arrhythmias, heart valve disease, congenital heart disease Infections around the heart, etc.

current Heart disease death rateand blood vessels are high and tend to increase continuously. Each year, 54,530 people die from cardiovascular disease, an average of 150 deaths per day, or an average of 6 people per hour.

What are the types of heart disease? What are the symptoms? The causes of each type of heart disease are different.

1. Coronary artery disease

Causes of coronary artery disease Caused by deterioration of the coronary artery walls. or thickened due to blockage of fat and tissue It causes blood vessels to narrow. Blood flow to the heart is reduced and the heart muscle is not adequately nourished. Until it can cause myocardial ischemia. People who are older, smoke heavily, have high blood fat levels. Have diabetes High blood pressure and don’t exercise There is a high risk of this disease.

– Symptoms of coronary artery disease

Tired easily, tightness, chest pain. Usually during exertion Pricking or burning in the chest area, sweating, palpitations, fainting, may be sudden and severe and cause a myocardial infarction. or a heart attack

2. Arrhythmias

Causes of arrhythmias It is caused by the generation of abnormal electric currents in certain locations in the heart. Or there is a small electrical short circuit point. The causes include deterioration of the body in the elderly. That causes the heart to beat more slowly, heredity, certain diseases such as coronary artery disease. high blood pressure High blood cholesterol, diabetes and thyroid dysfunction, certain medications such as cold medicine, bronchodilators, and heart-stimulating drugs.

– Symptoms of heart arrhythmia

abnormally slow heartbeat Heart rate lower than 60 beats/minute, feeling weak, easily tired, dizzy, dizzy, dizzy, low blood pressure and possibly fainting. When the heart beats abnormally fast Will have a heart rate of more than 100 beats/minute. If it is only a little, it will be easy to get tired and the heart will beat quickly. If you experience fainting, fainting, loss of consciousness, severe heart palpitations, or extreme tiredness, you should see a doctor immediately.

3. Heart valve disease and leaky heart disease

Causes of narrowed and leaky heart valves It can be from a congenital heart valve defect. from rheumatic heart valve disease Heart valve infection Or tartar sticks to the heart valve causing the heart valve to narrow or leak.

– Symptoms of narrowed and leaky heart valves

Tired more easily than usual Some people may experience chest tightness when exerting themselves, similar to those with coronary artery disease. Both legs are swollen, unable to lie down, must lie with head elevated, bloating and swelling, dizziness, from narrowed heart valves. causing insufficient blood supply to the brain

4. Heart failure

Heart failure causes There are both acute and and chronic The acute cause is usually due to acute coronary artery disease. Have a severe heart arrhythmia or severe inflammation of the heart muscle. As for the chronic case It can be caused by chronic coronary artery disease. heart muscle disease Heart valve disease that have not been treated Exposure to certain types of drugs or addictive substances, such as continuous drinking of large amounts of alcohol or certain types of chemotherapy drugs, etc.

– Heart failure symptoms

I get tired easily when I exert myself, my legs swell, I can’t lie down, and I wake up panting at night. An enlarged heart and pulmonary edema may also be detected.

5. Congenital heart disease

Causes of congenital heart defects It may be caused by genetics along with the environment. Nowadays, abnormalities can be analyzed even while they are in the mother’s womb. By examining with high frequency echo waves (Echocardiogram) by a maternal and infant obstetrician. This abnormality is caused by the growth of the heart while it is in the mother’s womb. Especially during the first 3 months of pregnancy. This may be caused by a leak. at the wall separating the heart’s chambers Heart valves are blocked or leaking, etc.

– Congenital heart defects

Congenital heart defects in young children The important thing is

Profuse sweating around the head without hot weather Sucks for longer than usual, is small, doesn’t grow well, doesn’t gain weight.

Congenital heart defects in older children often Symptoms similar to adults, such as

Shortness of breath, easily tired when exercising Must sleep with head elevated Greenness around the mucous membranes of the lips, tongue, conjunctiva, or under the fingernails, palpitations, chest pain, fainting.

How to check yourself if you have heart disease?

How to know for sure whether you have heart disease or not? Need to be examined by a doctor. This will diagnose the disease using several methods of testing as follows:

Take a history

Various suspected illnesses, including various risk factors

Check every system of the body including the cardiovascular system

by feeling the pulse and heart rhythm Listen to the heart measure blood pressure

Checked with a chest x-ray. and check the electrocardiogram (EKG)

A chest x-ray will show a rough outline of the size of your heart. and lung tissue to see if it has the appearance of lung flooding Is it a cause of the heart? Electrocardiogram It will look at your heart rate. and the characteristics of electrical signal waves that leave the heart that there is an abnormality of the heart’s electrical signals or not

Check the electrocardiogram while exercising (Exercise Stress Test: EST)

It is a test of physical and cardiac fitness. By having the patient walk quickly or run on a treadmill. To stimulate the heart to beat faster During the examination, the doctor will observe the patient’s symptoms of fatigue and chest tightness and observe the patient’s electrocardiogram while exercising. Which abnormalities can be found in the case of patients with coronary artery disease. or certain types of heart arrhythmias

Examine the heart using high-frequency echo waves. (Echocardiography)

It is an ultrasound examination. To see the structure of the heart heart wall thickness Contraction and relaxation of the heart pressure in the heart chambers and check the function of the heart valves whether there is an abnormality or not

Examine the heart with a high-speed coronary computerized tomography (CTA) machine.

It is a computerized x-ray examination of the coronary arteries. By injecting contrast material through the vein. To analyze the blood vessels that are constricted from the presence of fat in the arteries. Including the amount of tartar or calcium in the coronary arteries. To be used to predict the risk of cardiovascular disease in the long term as well.

Examination of the heart using magnetic resonance imaging or Cardiac MRI.

It is another new method of examining the heart and blood vessels. Using MRI technology, the heart structure can be clearly seen. see how it works and can measure the amount of blood flowing through the different chambers of the heart There is also a test using a stimulant to test and check for coronary artery disease. and additional special substances are injected To be able to see the scars in the heart chambers

Injection of dye to look at the coronary arteries, also known as coronary catheterization.

The doctor will use a small catheter. It is inserted along the artery from the wrist, groin, or crook of the arm to the coronary artery opening. that goes to both the left and right chambers of the heart, then an X-ray contrast agent is used Injected into the catheter to the blood vessels that supply the heart muscle To check whether there is narrowing or blockage of the blood vessels or not. How severe is it? And at what positions? If it is found that the coronary arteries are very constricted Doctors can insert balloons and stents. To widen coronary arteries in the same procedure

However, if there is pain in the middle of the chest, as if something is pressing on it. Radiating to the jaw, arm, shoulder, or epigastric pain. Chest pain associated with exertion. or exercise, palpitations, rapid heartbeat, fatigue, tiredness, swollen legs and have fainting or dizziness

lifestyle habits like smoking Women who smoke have a higher risk of heart disease than men who smoke. And the risk will increase even more. In women who smoke 3-5 cigarettes/day and in men who smoke 6-9 cigarettes/day, smoking increases the odds of dying from heart disease by 300%.

Eating a high-fat diet In foods high in saturated fat, such as lean beef, lamb, pork (including bacon and ham), chicken with skin, tallow, lard, cream, butter, cheese, and full-fat dairy products. or skim butter It is the cause of approximately 31% of heart disease in the world’s population. All of these things indicate that we may be at risk of heart disease. You should see a doctor immediately.

refer: Heart and Vascular Center Vimut Hospital , Samitivej Hospital

2023-09-30 03:54:00

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