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All Women Are At Risk Of Down Birth, This Is The Diagnosis And Handling Page all

KOMPAS.com- Descend the peranakan or the medical term is called pelvic organ prolapse, can happen to anyone and woman at any age.

The descent of peranakan prolapse pelvic organs (POP) is the descending or protruding of the vaginal wall into the vaginal canal or outside the vagina.

Specialist Doctor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Consultant Uroginecology Pondok Indah Hospital, Dr. Astrid Yunita SpOG (K) said prolapse this can result in many complaints or symptoms experienced by the sufferer.

Among the symptoms down peranakan These include bleeding from vaginal lump erosions, vaginal discharge, a feeling of hanging or pulling in the vagina, difficulty defecating and having to strain.

In addition, other symptoms are usually pain during sexual intercourse, recurrent urinary tract infections, difficulty starting urination, pressure in the pelvis and aches in the back, and so on.

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Astrid said, although this condition is mostly experienced by women at the age after menopause, or women who have had normal childbirth, it can happen to you who have various risk factors.

Therefore, you must immediately consult a specialist to get an examination so that you can establish a diagnosis and correct treatment for what you are experiencing.

Diagnosis of pelvic organ prolapse

Astrid explained, in an effort to diagnose pelvic organ prolapse (descending peranakan), doctors will usually refer you for a physical examination, especially an examination of pelvic conditions.

Then, the doctor will ask you to push like when going to defecate (BAB) to assess the extent to which the decline occurred.

photo" data-photolink="http://www.kompas.com/sains/image/2020/11/16/193000423/semua-wanita-berisiko-turun-peranakan-begini-diagnosis-dan-penanganannya?page=2" style="max-width: 100%;width:750px">Shutterstock Illustration of reproductive organs, complaints of descending peranakan in women.-

In addition, you will also be asked to do movements such as holding urine to determine the strength of the pelvic muscles.

“If more detailed information is needed, the doctor can perform several investigations to see the organs in the pelvis,” Astrid explained.

Here are some things that will be done and confirmed in the diagnosis of pelvic organ prolapse;

1. Ultrasound

In diagnostic enforcement by doctors, ultrasound will be performed on the pelvis and urinary tract, to ascertain the condition of the uterine organs and the cause of the decline that occurs.

2. X-rays

For subsequent diagnosis, X-rays of the urinary tract will be performed with contrast or intravenous pyelonography (IVP).

X-rays will be taken to check for urinary tract problems due to descending of the cross section.

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3. Tes urodinamik

Astrid said urodynamic tests would be performed to check the function of the bladder and urethra while storing urine and removing it, especially in patients suffering from severe incontinence.

Treatment for patients who are descended from the cross

Astrid explained, in the management of prolapse options, generally consisted of surgical and non-surgical procedures, depending on the severity of the patient’s descent.

1. Non-surgical options

Non-surgical management options include use of pessaries, pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation and symptom-directed therapy.

“Symptom-directed therapy with observed prolapse can be recommended in patients with low-grade prolapse,” he added.

2. Surgical options

In the management of surgical options for patients with descended breeds, the operative options can be either removal of the uterus or removal of the uterus, which can be done through a vaginal or laparoscopic approach (minimally invasive surgery).

Both of these operations are performed for cases of apical prolapse or descent of the cross that occurs in the area of ​​the cervix, uterus, and the top of the vagina.

“In the act of abortion, it can be continued with the suspension of the vaginal apex, if you still want to maintain sexual function,” he said.

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Meanwhile, for anterior prolapse or descent of the cross that occurs in the area of ​​the anterior vaginal wall such as urethrocele and cystocele, the treatment that can be done is the anterior colporaphy with or without use mesh-grafting.

“This is done to tighten the muscles around the vagina,” he explained.

Meanwhile, posterior colporaphy action can be performed in cases of descending peranakan (prolapse) that occurs in the area of ​​the posterior vaginal wall such as rectocele and enterocele.

“The choice of surgery for patients with high frequency levels can be done with obliteration techniques or closure of the vaginal introitus (colpocleysis), if it is no longer maintaining vaginal function for sexual intercourse,” he said.

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