The Brazilian ambassador to Argentina, Julio BitelliFABIAN MARELLI
Patricio BulgheroniFABIAN MARELLI
The ambassador of the European Union, Amador Sánchez RicoFABIAN MARELLI
José Luis Espert, deputy of Avanza LibertadFABIAN MARELLI
The businessman Martín Cabrales was one of the first to approach the Brazil ResidencyFABIAN MARELLI
The hostess, Lizzy de BitelliFABIAN MARELLI
Carlos Enciso Christiansen, ambassador of Uruguay in Argentina, the day after inaugurating the exhibition “100 years of a River Plate native” in tribute to Carlos Páez VilaróFABIAN MARELLI
Martín Redrado greets the hosts, ambassador Julio Bitelli and his wife LizzyFABIAN MARELLI
Dinesh Bhatia, Indian ambassador to Argentina, and his wife, Seema BhatiaFABIAN MARELLI
Ambassador Diego Guelar and his wife, Viviana FontaniniFABIAN MARELLI
The rain prevented the reception from taking place in the gardens of the Pereda Palace, residence of the Brazilian ambassador. To receive the 500 guests, tents were set up outside.FABIAN MARELLI
At the Pereda Palace, the Brazilian embassy held the official reception for its National Day. The event was attended by government authorities, cultural personalities, the diplomatic corps and members of the Brazilian community.FABIAN MARELLI
Fabián Perechodnik, vice president of the Chamber of Deputies of the Province of Buenos Aires FABIAN MARELLI
Luis Ovsejevich, President of Konex Foundation, with Carlos Enciso Christiansen, Ambassador of UruguayFABIAN MARELLI
During the reception, typical Brazilian dishes and cocktails were served. Pablo Garzonio, Undersecretary of International Relations and Institutional Cooperation of the Legislature of the City of Buenos Aires, and Deputy José Luis EspertFABIAN MARELLI
Andrea Parrilla, agricultural attaché of the Brazilian embassy, and the economist Juan Soldano. This year marks the bicentennial of relations between Brazil and Argentina. Our country was the first to recognize Brazilian independenceFABIAN MARELLI
Julio Bitelli and his wife Lizzy at the Residence. This is the diplomat’s third mission in Argentina. The first time was in 2003, and then he returned in 2010 when he served as minister advisor until 2013. “We are united by ties of friendship and family with this country, that is why, every time we left we knew that it was not goodbye, but a see you later”.FABIAN MARELLI
Gustavo Weiss, president of the Argentine Chamber of ConstructionFABIAN MARELLI
Fernando Straface, Secretary General and International Relations of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, and Octavio BordónFABIAN MARELLI
Andrea Canale, executive director of CambrasFABIAN MARELLI
Neucilene Teixeira, from the Embassy of Brazil, and Mariana Camilo de OliveiraFABIAN MARELLI
At the Residence, government authorities and different personalities came to greet the ambassador. Julio Bitelli arrived in the country in July of this year.FABIAN MARELLI
The ambassador of Mexico, Lilia Rossbach SuárezFABIAN MARELLI
Lotty Andrade, ambassador of Ecuador in Argentina, and ambassador Gabriel Marcelo Fuks, undersecretary of Latin American and Caribbean AffairsFABIAN MARELLI
Karl Dhaene, ambassador of Belgium, with Hovhannés Virabyan, ambassador of ArmeniaFABIAN MARELLI
Ramzi Teymurov, ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the ambassador of Finland, Nicola Lindertz, and Karmen Sakhr, UNHCR regional representativeFABIAN MARELLI
The Belgian ambassador, Karl Dhaen, and Fernando Straface in one of the rooms of the Pereda Palace, current residence of the Brazilian ambassadorFABIAN MARELLI
Hovhannés Virabyan, Dinesh Bhatia and his wife, Seema Bhatia, together with Fernando Straface and Karl DhaeneFABIAN MARELLI
Luis Ovsejevich, president of Konex Foundation, along with the hostsFABIAN MARELLI
This was the first reception for Brazil’s National Day after four years and the first in this new mission of Julio Bitelli as ambassador. “Today I am not going to talk about Mercosur or the Bricks, I am only going to thank and celebrate this National Day and the bicentennial of diplomatic relations between Brazil and Argentina,” he stressed..FABIAN MARELLI
The halls of the Pereda Palace and 500 guests at the reception for National DayFABIAN MARELLI
José Ludovice, ambassador of PortugalFABIAN MARELLI
Pedro Dubra, secretary at the Brazilian embassyFABIAN MARELLI
Miguel Yancovich, parliamentary candidate Southern Cone of Libertad Avanza FABIAN MARELLI
Pablo Garzonio, Undersecretary of International Relations and Institutional Cooperation of the Legislature of the City of Buenos Aires and Paula Monteserín FABIAN MARELLI
The businesswoman Delia Flores and the representative Marcela CampagnoliFABIAN MARELLI
Traditional Brazilian dishes were served.FABIAN MARELLI
Ariel Bluftstein, international relations at DAIAFABIAN MARELLI
Iosif Bosch, archbishop in Buenos Aires of the Greek Orthodox Church FABIAN MARELLI
Paula Monteserín, deputy Marcela Campagnoli, Pablo Garzonio, undersecretary of International Relations and Institutional Cooperation of the Legislature of the City of Buenos Aires, and José Luis Espert FABIAN MARELLI
Juan Pablo Orellano, president of the Diplomatic Club, and businessman Felipe RozenmuterFABIAN MARELLI
In his speech, Ambassador Bitelli highlighted the beauty of the Pereda Palace, current residence of the Brazilian ambassadorFABIAN MARELLI
The venue’s facilities were prepared to receive 500 guests. With the rain, the wardrobe was filled with umbrellas and raincoatsFABIAN MARELLI
The guests toured the halls of the place. A cappella, the anthems of Argentina and Brazil were sung FABIAN MARELLI
This is the third time Bitelli is stationed in the country
Since 1945, the Pereda Palace has been the residence of the Brazilian ambassadorFABIAN MARELLI