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All social benefits – 6000 net! Family with 7 children receives even more money

  • The family from Syria, who live in Vienna-Landstrasse, also gets the climate bonus, of course. For two adults and seven children! This means that each adult in the 3rd district receives 145 euros – so a total of 290 euros – children and young people up to the age of 18 get half – so each child receives 72.50 euros, making 507.50 euros. In total, the Syrian family with seven children therefore receives a climate bonus of 797.50 euros.

  • In addition, the migrant couple is also entitled to the “school start-up allowance” for their children – and since 2024 this has been available twice a year, in February and September. For each child who goes to school or is doing an apprenticeship and is still attending vocational school, they receive 150 euros – as a voucher. The family can then use the vouchers to buy school supplies, food, clothing and hygiene items.

  • Prescription fees, dog tax

    In addition to the minimum benefit of 4,600 euros and the school start-up allowance of 2x 150 euros, the family is also exempt from prescription fees. And the family is also exempt from dog tax if they have a four-legged friend at home.

  • Help in special life situations

    The family from Syria can also apply for assistance in special life situations. This means that if the migrant couple’s electricity, heating or hot water costs are too high, they will also receive support here. The same applies to rent – should the family be behind on this.

  • In addition, the extended family also receives a culture pass, which gives them free entry to various events and facilities.

  • The family is also entitled to a mobile pass. This pass gives low-income people in Vienna certain discounts, including: a reduced annual pass for Vienna libraries, reduced admission to the city’s swimming pools, a reduced monthly pass or 31-day Vienna Card and travel with half-price tickets on the Vienna public transport network, a discount on all courses and lectures at the Vienna adult education centers.

  • Recipients of minimum income are also exempt from the ORF contribution (“household contribution”). People with social and/or physical needs can apply for an exemption from the ORF contribution. In addition, a telephone subsidy for use for private purposes and an EAG cost exemption for the renewable energy subsidy flat rate, the renewable energy subsidy and the green gas subsidy are possible.

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